A Dictionary of Music and Musicians/Crotchet

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From volume 1 of the work.

1503992A Dictionary of Music and Musicians — CrotchetGeorge GroveGeorge Grove

CROTCHET, a note which is half the value of a minim, and twice that of a quaver, and is represented thus . The origin of the name is not known. It is apparently derived from the French croche; but croche is a quaver, , and is so called on account of the hook at the end of its tail, whereas a crotchet has no hook. The French name for this note is noire, the Italian, semi-minima, and the German Viertel, 'a quarter'—i.e. of a semi-breve. The French call a crochet rest, , by the pretty name of un soupir.

[ G. ]