A Dictionary of Music and Musicians/Dotti, Anna

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From volume 1 of the work.

1504142A Dictionary of Music and Musicians — Dotti, AnnaJulian Marshall

DOTTI, Anna, a distinguished seconda donna who formed part of Handel's company at the King's Theatre in London for some years. She appeared first as Irene in 'Tamerlane' with Cuzzoni in 1724, and as Agamira in the 'Artaserse' of Ariosti. In 25 she sang in 'Rodelinda' and 'Giulio Cesare,' as well as in the anonymous 'Elisa,' the 'Dario' of Attilio, and Vinci's 'Elpidia.' During the next season she played in the 'Ottone' and 'Alessandro' of Handel; and in 27 was again in London, and took the part of Orindo in the first representations of 'Admeto,' and that of Pilade in 'Astianatte.' After 1727 her name does not occur again in the libretti.

[ J. M. ]