A Dictionary of Music and Musicians/Ebdon, Thomas

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From volume 1 of the work.

1504202A Dictionary of Music and Musicians — Ebdon, ThomasWilliam H. Husk

EBDON, Thomas, born at Durham in 1738. It is presumed from the circumstance of the name and date 'T. Ebdon, 1755,' still remaining, carved on the oak screen which divides the choir of Durliam cathedral from one of the aisles, that he received his early musical education in that church as a chorister, and probably, after the breaking of his voice, as an articled pupil of the organist. In 1763 he was appointed organist of Durham Cathedral, which office he held until his death, 48 years afterwards, on Sept 23, 1811. Ebdon's published compositions comprise two harpsichord sonatas (about 1780), a collection of glees; and two volumes of cathedral music, the first of which appeared in 1790, and the second in 1810. Besides these he left many anthems etc., in MS., the last of them bearing date June 1811.

[ W. H. H. ]