A Dictionary of Music and Musicians/Feldlager in Schlesien, Ein

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From volume 1 of the work.

1504322A Dictionary of Music and Musicians — Feldlager in Schlesien, EinGeorge Grove

FELDLAGER IN SCHLESIEN, EIN, opera in 3 acts, words by Rellstab, music by Meyerbeer; written and composed in memory of Frederick the Great for the opening of the Berlin Opera house—burnt Aug. 18, 1843; re-opened Dec. 7, 44. It was performed with extraordinary applause at Vienna Feb. 17, 47, with Jenny Lind as Vielka; 80 florins were given for places, and Meyerbeer was called on ten times. The Feldlager appears never to have been played either in France or England, but some of the music was afterwards used up in the Etoile du Nord.

[ G. ]