A Dictionary of Music and Musicians/Fitzwilliam Collection, The

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From volume 1 of the work.

1504385A Dictionary of Music and Musicians — Fitzwilliam Collection, TheGeorge Grove

FITZWILLIAM COLLECTION, THE. In the year 1816 Viscount Fitzwilliam died, leaving to the University of Cambridge, of which he was a member, the annual interest on £100,000 in money, and a large number of valuable paintings, books, engravings, and other works of art. Of these a collection of MS. music forms a portion. Its most prominent features are the Virginall-book of Queen Elizabeth; a volume of anthems in the handwriting of Henry Purcell, and another in that of Dr. Blow, containing various pieces not yet printed; and a miscellaneous collection embracing the works of more than 250 composers, mostly of the 17th and 18th centuries, and chiefly of the Italian school; as for instance Clari, 3 Masses, 3 Dixit Dominus, a Stabat, a Confitebor etc.; Leo, a Mass, 2 Miserere, 3 Dixit—à 5, à 8 (in autograph) and à 10; an Oratorio etc; Colonna, a Magnificat, a Confitebor, a Domine ad adjuvandum, a Beatus vir, a Dixit etc; Jomelli, a Miserere, a Dixit (à 8), 2 Operas, an Oratorio, etc.; Bononcini, a Mass (á 8), an Opera, a Psalm, Cantatas, etc.; Pergolesi, a Mass, a Kyrie and Gloria (à 10), portions of a Dixit etc.; Durante, a Messa de' Morti (à 8), a Litany and Motets. In addition to these there is the autograph of a Symphony in F, 'di me Giuseppe Haydn 787,' and some interesting MSS. in Handel's autograph. Kelway is said to have been employed by Lord Fitzwilliam to collect for him in Italy.

A portion of the above music was published by the late Vincent Novello in 1825 by permission of the University authorities. The list is as follows:—

Bonno, Cum Sancto.
Bononcini, Eterna fac.
  Do. In te Domine. Orch.
  Do. Sanctus. Orch.
  Do. Te ergo quæsumus.
Cafaro, Amen.
Carissimi, Dulce te.
  Do. Et sic laudabimus.
  Do. Gaudeamus omnes.
  Do. O felix anima.
  Do. Surgamus, eamus.
Clari, Amen. Orch.
  Do. Cujus animam. Orch.
  Do. Cum Sancto. Orch.
  Do, Cum Sancto. Orch.
Clari, Cum Sancto.
  Do. De profundis. Orch.
  Do. Domine Deus. Orch.
  Do. Gloria Patri, Alto Solo. Orch.
  Do. Gloria Patri. Orch.
  Do. Gratias agimus.
  Do. Kyrie eleison. Orch.
  Do. Kyrie eleison. Orch.
  Do. Lætatus sum, à 8.
  Do. O quam tristis. Orch.
  Do. Quæ mœrebat. Orch.
  Do. Quando corpus. Orch.
  Do. Quando corpus.
  Do. Qui tollis.
  Do. Sancta Mater.

Clari. Sicut erat. Orch.
  Do. Sicut erat. Orch.
  Do. Stabat Mater. Orch.
  Do. Tecum principium.
Conti. Amen.
Colonna. Domine ad adjurandum. Orch.
  Do. Gloria Patri.
  Do. Paratum cor.
  Do. Sicut erat.
Durante. Cantata Domino.
  Do. Protexisti me Deus.
Feroce. Adoramus Te.
Jomelli. Confirma hoc Deus.
Leo. Amen, á 10. Orch.
  Do. Christus factus est.
  Do. Cum Sancto Spiritu. Orch.
  Do. Dixit Dominus, á 8. Orch.
  Do. Kyrie eleison.
  Do. Qui tollis. Orch.
  Do. Qui tollis.
Leo, Sicut erat. Orch. (Dixit in A).
  Do. Sicut erat, á 10. Orch. (Dixit in D).
  Do. Tu es Sacerdos (Dixit in A).
  Do. Tu es Sacerdos, Orch. (Dixit inD).
  Do. Tu es Sacerdos, Orch. (Dixit in C).
Lupi. Audivi vocem. á 6.
Vittoria. Regina Cœli.
Martini, Sicut erat. Orch.
  Do. Sicut erat, á 6. Orch.
O. Lasso. Sicut ablsotatos.
Palestrina. Et incarnatus.
Pergolesi, Dominus a dextris, á 6. Orch.
  Do. Gloria Patri. Orch.
  Do. Juravit Dominus.
  Do. Sicut erat.
Perti, Adoramus Te.
Stradella, Dove Battista.

[ G. ]