A Dictionary of Music and Musicians/Handel Society, The

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From volume 1 of the work.

1504710A Dictionary of Music and Musicians — Handel Society, TheGeorge GroveGeorge Grove

HANDEL SOCIETY, THE. A society formed in 1843 'for the production of a superior and standard edition of the works of Handel.' It was suggested by Mr. Macfarren, senior, who however died on the 24th April, immediately after the first meeting convened by him. The Prospectus was signed by George A. Macfarren as Secretary, on behalf of the Council, and was issued from his residence 73 Berners Street, June 16, 1843. The Council for the first year consisted of R. Addison, Treasurer; W. Sterndale Bennett; Sir H. R. Bishop; Dr. Crotch; J. W. Davison; E. J. Hopkins; G. A. Macfarren, Secretary; I. Moscheles; T. M. Mudie; E. F. Rimbault; Sir George Smart, and Henry Smart. The annual subscription was a guinea, and the Society commenced operations with 1000 members. The publications—in large folio, full score, each with P. F. arrangement and editor's preface—were issued by Cramer, Addison, and Beale, as follows:—

1843–4. 4 Coronation Anthems, edited by Dr. Crotch: and L'Allegro, Il Pensieroso, ed Il Moderato, by I. Moscheles.
1844–5. Esther, by Charles Lucas; and Ode for S. Cecilia's Day, by T. M. Mudie.
1845–6. Israel in Egypt, by Mendelssohn.
1846–7. Acis and Galatea, by W. Sterndale Bennett; and Dettingen Te Deum, by Sir G. Smart.
1847–8. Belshazzar, Part 1, by G. A. Macfarren.
1848–9. Do.Part 2, byDo.
1850. Messiah, by Dr. Rimbault
1851. 13 Chamber Duets and 2 Trios, by Henry Smart.
1852. Samson, by Dr. Rimbault.
1853. Judas Maccabaeus, by G. A. Macfarren.
1854. Saul, by Dr. Rimbault.
1855. Jephthah, by G. A. Macfarren.

The Society was dissolved in Jan. 1848, owing to a lack of subscribers; but the publication of the works was continued by Cramer & Co. till 1858, when the last volume (for 1855) was issued.

[ G. ]