A Dictionary of Music and Musicians/Hanover

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HANOVER. This spirited tune has been frequently ascribed to Handel, but cannot be by him, as it is found in 'A Supplement to the New Version of the Psalms,' 6th ed. 1708, two years before Handel arrived in England. In the Supplement it is given as follows:—

{ \time 3/2 \key bes \major \partial 2 << \relative f' { f2^\markup { \smaller \italic "a 2 voc." } bes bes c d1 f2 bes, c a bes1 \bar "||" c2 d c bes a1 bes2 c \grace bes4 a2 \grace g4 f2 f1 \bar "||" a2 bes c d bes g ees' d c bes f'1 \bar "||" f,2 g a bes c f, d' g, c a bes1 \bar "||" }
\new Staff { \clef bass \key bes \major \relative b, { bes2 bes bes f' bes1 a2 g ees f | bes,1 f'2 bes a g f1 bes,2 a bes c | f,1 d'2 g a fis g g a bes a g | f1 \bar "||" d2 ees f g f d bes ees c f bes,1 } } >> }
The tune is anonymous, but is not improbably by Dr. Croft, the reputed editor of the 6th edition of the Supplement.

[ G. A. C. ]