A Dictionary of Music and Musicians/Hoffmann, Henrich

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From volume 1 of the work.

1504813A Dictionary of Music and Musicians — Hoffmann, HenrichFranz Gehring

HOFFMANN, Henrich August, surnamed 'von Fallersleben ' from his birthplace in Hanover, April 2, 1798, philologist, poet, and German hymn writer; was educated at Helmstedt, Brunswick, and (under Grimm) at the University of Göttingen (1816). In 1819 he removed to Bonn, and in 1821, after studying Dutch literature in Holland, was appointed Professor at Breslau. His political views caused his dismissal in 1843, and he was not allowed to return to Prussia till 1848. Finally he became librarian to Prince Lippé at Corvey in Westphalia, and there died Jan. 19, 1874. His 'Geschichte des Deutschen Kirchenliedes' (1st ed. 1832, 2nd 1854; Rumpler, Hanover) is written in a thoroughly scientific spirit, and contains important discoveries. He edited 'Schlesische Volkslieder mit Melodien' and 'Gesellschaftslieder des 16 und 17 Jahrhunderts.' His original melodies, and above all his poems for children, are widely and deservedly popular.

[ F. G. ]