A Dictionary of Music and Musicians/Macbeth

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From volume 2 of the work.

1615396A Dictionary of Music and Musicians — MacbethGeorge Grove

MACBETH. 1. Tragedy in 3 acts; words by Rouget de l'Isle and Hix, music by Chelard. Produced at the Académie, June 29, 1827, without success. In London, King's Theatre, July 4, 1832.

2. Opera in 4 acts; libretto by Piave, music by Verdi. Produced at the Pergola, Florence, March 1847 [App. p.707 "March 17"]; at Paris, with alterations, at the Théâtre Lyrique, April 21, 1865.

3. An overture for orchestra in B minor, by Spohr (op. 75).

4. The first act of an opera, Macbeth, was published by von Collin in 1809; and sketches by Beethoven for the overture (D minor, 6-8) and first chorus therein, are given by Mr. Nottebohm in Mus. Wochenblatt, 1879, No. 10.

[ G. ]