A Dictionary of Music and Musicians/Manchester

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From volume 2 of the work.

1642603A Dictionary of Music and Musicians — ManchesterGeorge GroveGeorge Grove

MANCHESTER. The oldest musical association in this city is The Gentlemen's Concerts, which can be traced back to 1749, and probably existed some time previously to that date. The orchestra was formerly composed of amateurs and professional members, but is now entirely professional. Ten monthly orchestral concerts are given each year at the Concert Hall. Mr. Charles Halle has been the Conductor since May 1850.

The Manchester Choral Society was formed about the year 1840, for the purpose of performing the leading oratorios and choral works of Handel, Haydn, Mozart, Mendelssohn, etc. Its members were professional and amateur indiscriminately; the accompaniment was limited to the organ; and the concerts, which became very popular, were held in the Royal Institution.

The Hargreaves Choral Society was founded in 1841, on the bequest of a large sum of money, and an extensive library of choral music, by Mr. Hamer Hargreaves, for the formation of a society for the practice of sacred choral music, with an instrumental band. The concerts were supported by 150 performers, under the direction of Mr. John Waddington, through whose care and skill the performances attained a degree of completeness never before reached in the North of England. The Society had the honour of introducing Elijah to Manchester on April 20, 1847, under the direction of the composer. It was dissolved in 1849, mainly in consequence of a difficulty in obtaining suitable accommodation.

Mr. Charles Halle's Grand Concerts were begun in 1857, and still continue weekly at the Free Trade Hall, from the last week in October to the first week in March. 20 concerts are given each season, 12 miscellaneous, and 8 choral. The programmes embrace the newest and most interesting orchestral works, concertos and solo compositions played by the best artists, and solo vocal works by eminent singers. The concerts are conducted by Mr. Halle, and the chorus, which is 250 strong and remarkably efficient, is under the control of Mr. Edward Hecht. The reputation of the band is great, and they are frequently engaged at Liverpool, Leeds, Bradford, Edinburgh, and other towns in the North.

Classical Chamber Concerts were started about 1840 by Mr. C. A. Seymour and Herr Rudersdorf, but though much appreciated by the cultivated amateurs of Manchester, they were not adequately supported, and have for many years ceased to exist.

[ G. ]