A Dictionary of Music and Musicians/Mendelssohn Quintette Club, The

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1669727A Dictionary of Music and Musicians — Mendelssohn Quintette Club, TheF. H. Jenks

[1]MENDELSSOHN QUINTETTE CLUB, THE, was formed at Boston, Massachusetts, in 1849, for the purpose of giving concerts of chamber-music, and made its first public appearance in Chickering Hall Dec. 14 of that year. For a number of years the Club gave a series of concerts at Boston in each season, classical programmes alternating with those of a popular character. The reputation of the Club extending beyond the city, concert tours were ventured on, these being at first confined to towns in New England. By degrees its sphere of action included remote Western and Southern cities. No similar organization in the United States has had so long a life, or has introduced to its patrons more novelties of every school of chamber-music. As occasion has demanded the Club has been augmented to six or even nine players. Its programmes have been varied by performances of distinguished pianists and singers.

[ F. H. J. ]

  1. Copyright 1889 by F. H. Jenks.