A Dictionary of Music and Musicians/Norris, William

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From volume 2 of the work.

1750691A Dictionary of Music and Musicians — Norris, WilliamWilliam H. Husk

NORRIS, William, one of the Children of the Chapel Royal at the coronation of James II in 1685; afterwards a member of the choir, and master of the choristers of Lincoln. An anthem by him, 'Blessed are those,' was printed in Playford's 'Divine Companion,' and a service and two anthems are in the Tudway Collection (Harl. MS. 7340). He composed an ode for St. Cecilia's day, believed to have been performed in London in 1702; the MS. was in the possession of Benjamin Jacob, and was sold with the rest of his library in 1830, but has not been traced. Norris is supposed to have died about 1710.

[ W. H. H. ]