A Dictionary of Music and Musicians/Paisible

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From volume 2 of the work.

1955648A Dictionary of Music and Musicians — PaisibleGeorge GroveWilliam H. Husk

PAISIBLE, an eminent flutist, resident in London in the latter part of the 17th and beginning of the 18th century. He composed overtures and act tunes for the following pieces—'King Edward the Third," 1691; 'Oroonoko' and 'The Spanish Wives,' 1696; 'The Humours of Sir John Falstaff ' [Henry IV, Part i.], 1700; 'She would and she would not,' 1703; and 'Love's Stratagem.' He also composed three overtures, published under the title of 'Music performed before Her Majesty and the new King of Spain'; Duets for flutes, published in 'Thesaurus Musicus,' 1693–96; and Sonatas and other pieces for flutes published at Amsterdam. He assisted St. Evremond in composing music for the Duchess of Mazarine's concerts at Chelsea.

[ W. H. H. ]