A Dictionary of Music and Musicians/Peabody Concerts

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From volume 2 of the work.

1995696A Dictionary of Music and Musicians — Peabody ConcertsF. H. Jenks

PEABODY CONCERTS, given under the auspices of the Conservatory of Music of the Peabody Institute, Baltimore, Maryland. Beginning in 1865, eight concerts have been given every season, each being preceded by a public rehearsal, the director of the Conservatory officiating as conductor. The programmes have been made up of symphonies, suites, overtures, concertos and vocal solos, nearly everything presented being of classic in style. Many important compositions have been performed for the first time in America in the course of these concerts. Under Mr. Asger Hamerik's direction (since 1871) especial attention has been given to the production of works by American, English and Scandinavian composers.. The orchestra has generally included 50 musicians. The institution elicited the warm approbation of Von Bülow (1875–76) for its exceptionally fine performances. [See 'Peabody Institute,' under United States.]

[ F. H. J. ]