A Dictionary of Music and Musicians/Polska

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From volume 3 of the work.

2225112A Dictionary of Music and Musicians — PolskaWilliam Barclay Squire

POLSKA, a national Swedish dance, popular in West Gothland, something like a Scotch reel in character. Polskas are usually written in minor keys, although they are occasionally found in the major. The example which is given below ('Neckens Polska') is well known, as Ambroise Thomas has introduced it in Ophelia's mad scene in 'Hamlet.' Other examples will be found in Ahlstrom's 'Walda Svenska Folksånga' (Stockholm, 1850).

{ \time 3/4 \key d \minor \relative d' { \repeat unfold 2 { d8. f16 a4 cis | e8. f16 d8 d c8. a16 | a8 a f4 a8. g16 | e8. f16 d2 } \bar "||" f8[ f a a] c8. a16 | g8 g a16 g f g a4 | f8[ f a a] c[ a] | g g a16 g f g a4\fermata | f8. a16 g4 a8. g16 | e8. a16 d,4 d' | cis8[ d] a[ f] a[ g] | e8. f16 d4 d' | cis8[ d] a[ f] a8. g16 | e8. f16 d2 \bar "||" } }

[ W. B. S. ]