A Dictionary of Music and Musicians/Purcell Commemoration, The

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From volume 3 of the work.

2249980A Dictionary of Music and Musicians — Purcell Commemoration, TheWilliam H. Cummings

PURCELL COMMEMORATION, THE, was held on Jan. 30, 1858, to celebrate the bicentenary of Purcell's birth: the members of the Purcell Club and a large number of professors of music and of eminent amateurs, anxious to do honour to the greatest of English musicians assembled in the evening at the Albion Tavern, Aldersgate Street, London, when, after a banquet, a selection of Purcell music was performed, and some interesting addresses were given by Professor Taylor, who presided. The programme consisted entirely of music composed by Purcell, and was as follows:—Grace, 'Gloria Patri'; anthems 'O give thanks,' 'O God, thou hast cast us out,' 'O sing unto the Lord'; song and chorus, 'Celebrate this festival'; a selection from 'King Arthur'; cantata, 'Cupid the slyest rogue alive'; song, 'Let the dreadful engines'; chorus, 'Soul of the world, inspired by thee.'

[ W. H. C. ]