A Dictionary of Music and Musicians/Schauspieldirector, Der

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From volume 3 of the work.

2708415A Dictionary of Music and Musicians — Schauspieldirector, DerGeorge Grove

SCHAUSPIELDIRECTOR, DER, 'Comödie mit Musik in 1 Act' (The Manager, a Comedy with Music in one Act); containing an overture and 4 numbers; words by Stephanie, jun., music by Mozart. Produced at a Court festival at Schönbrunn, Feb. 7, 1786. Over the terzet (No. 3) is the date, Jan. 18, 1786. It was adapted to a French libretto under the name of 'L'Impresario,' and produced in Paris in 1856. [See vol. i. p. 768.] A careful version of the entire piece from the German original, by W. Grist, was brought out at the Crystal Palace, London, on Sept. 14, 1877, as 'The Manager,' and repeated several times there and elsewhere.

An interesting little work, full of details on this opera and Mozart in general, is 'Mozart's Schauspieldirector, von Dr. R. Hirsch' (Leipzig, 1859).

[ G. ]