A Dictionary of Music and Musicians/Sestini, Giovanna

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3713589A Dictionary of Music and Musicians — Sestini, GiovannaFlorence Ashton Marshall

SESTINI, Giovanna, a singer engaged at the Italian opera in London as prima buffa in 1783. She first appeared in 'La Marchesa Giardiniera' of Anfossi. Although the quality of her voice was not agreeable ('gritty and sharp' Lord Mount-Edgecumbe describes it), and her vocalisation not of the first order, her beauty, vivacity, and intelligence won for her great popularity with the public. Kelly, who heard her at Dublin in 1787, mentions her in his Reminiscences as the best buffa of her time. She was 'first woman' for many years, then, in the decline of her voice, became second, and even after that sang at intervals at Covent Garden and the Haymarket. She was one of those useful people who are ready at a moment's notice to take almost any part, and up to 1791 was often recalled to strengthen a weak company. She remained constantly in England, and died here at last, in great poverty. Her salary for her first season was £450.

One V. Sestini, possibly a relation, was wardrobe keeper at the King's Theatre in 1821, and the name of Miss Sestini, a singer, appears in some English playbills of 1839.

[ F. A. M. ]