A Dictionary of Music and Musicians/Soto, Francesco

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3887756A Dictionary of Music and Musicians — Soto, FrancescoGeorge Grove

SOTO, Francesco, born 1534 at Langa in Spain, entered the college of the Pope's Chapel June 8, 1562. He was a friend of St. Philip Neri, and in Dec. 1575 took the direction of the music in the Oratory founded by him. He also founded the first Carmelite convent in Rome. He published the 3rd and 4th books of Laudi Spirituali (1588, 1591) in continuation of the two edited by G. Animuccia, and died as Dean of the Pope's Chapel, Sept. 25, 1619.

Soto was greatly esteemed by Sixtus V. and was consulted by him as to the appointments to the chapel.

[ G. ]