A Dictionary of Music and Musicians/Towers, John

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3920104A Dictionary of Music and Musicians — Towers, JohnGeorge GroveGeorge Grove

TOWERS, John, born at Salford Feb. 18, 1836, was for six years choir-boy in Manchester Cathedral, in 1856 entered the Royal Academy of Music, London, and in the following year became pupil of A. B. Marx in Berlin, where he remained for more than two years, at the same time with J. K. Paine and A. W. Thayer. He then returned to England, and after a residence of two years in Brighton, settled at Manchester, where he has since remained as choirmaster, conductor, and organist. He conducts the Alderley Edge, Fallowfield, and Rochdale Orpheus Glee Societies, the last-named being one of the most successful choirs in Lancashire, and is now organist to St. Stephen's, Chorlton in Medlock. Besides a few musical trifles, Mr. Towers has published a chronological list of Beethoven's works (Musical Directory, 1871), an interesting pamphlet on the 'Mortality of Musicians,' a 'List of Eminent Musicians,' etc., etc. He is also a more or less regular contributor to the press.

[ G. ]