A Dictionary of Music and Musicians/Vinning, Louisa

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3932115A Dictionary of Music and Musicians — Vinning, LouisaAlexis Chitty

VINNING, Louisa, born probably at Newton Abbot, Devon. She appeared in public when a child, from 1840 to 42, under the title of the 'Infant Sappho,' as a singer and harpist at the Adelaide Gallery, Polytechnic, and elsewhere. She afterwards received instruction in singing from Frank Mori, and on Dec. 12, 1856, was brought prominently into notice by taking the soprano part in the 2nd and 3rd parts of the 'Messiah' at the Sacred Harmonic Society's Concert, at a moment's notice, and 'with credit to herself,' in place of the singer engaged, who became suddenly indisposed during the performance. Miss Vinning afterwards sang at the Crystal Palace, the Worcester Festival, 1857, the Monday Popular Concerts (1861), and elsewhere, until her marriage with Mr. J. S. C. Heywood, in or about 1865. At her concert, on July 5, 1860, Mme. Montigny-Rémaury made her first appearance in England.

[ A. C. ]