A Dictionary of Music and Musicians/Wallace, Grace

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3940010A Dictionary of Music and Musicians — Wallace, GraceGeorge Grove

WALLACE (Grace) Lady, daughter of John Stein, Esq., of Edinburgh, married in 1836 Sir James Maxwell Wallace, who died 1867, and herself died 1878.

She translated the following musical works: Two vols. of Mendelssohn's Letters: From Italy and Switzerland (1862); From 1833 to 1847 (1863); Letters of Mozart, 2 vols. (1865); Reminiscences of Mendelssohn, by Elise Polko (1865); Letters of Beethoven, 2 vols. (1866); 'Letters of distinguished Musicians,' from a collection by Ludwig Nohl (1867); Nohl's 'Life of Mozart' (1877). All published by Longman & Co., London.

[ G. ]