A Dictionary of Music and Musicians/Weissenbach, Aloys

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3942833A Dictionary of Music and Musicians — Weissenbach, AloysAlexander Wheelock Thayer

WEISSENBACH, Aloys, born at Telfs, Tyrol, March 1, 1766, died at Salzburg Oct. 26, 1821, entered the Austrian army as assistant-surgeon before he was twenty, and had risen to the highest rank in that service when, in 1804, he was called by Archduke Ferdinand, then Archbishop of Salzburg, to the professorship of surgery in the University there, a position which he held with very great reputation to his death. Weissenbach held an honourable place among the periodical writers of his day; composed dramas, one of which (Die Brautkranz) was acted at Vienna in 1809; and specially distinguished himself, 1812–14, by his patriotic poems. He receives a place here as author of the text to Beethoven's 'Glorreiche Augenblick,' and for his notices of the composer in his account of his visit to Vienna at the time of the Congress of 1814.[1]

That Weissenbach was an enthusiastic admirer of Beethoven (says Graeffar) is a matter of course. Their natures were akin, even physically; for the one was as hard of hearing as the other, and both were manly, frank, open, upright characters. Just as Weissenbach came to Vienna, in 1814, 'Fidelio' was given. An inexpressible longing filled him to make the personal acquaintance of its composer. Returning to his lodging, there on the table was a card of invitation from Beethoven, who had called on him. Next day it was hand and kiss with them. After this one often met them at table in the parterre dining-room of the ROmische Kaiser Hotel. But it made one sad to hear them shout so to each other, and there was little enjoyment in meeting them. Singular, that in a smaller room, like that of the Rose Inn in the Wollzeile, Weissenbach heard much better, and spoke more freely and easily. He was a man full of matter; a most kindly, lively, lovable companion; a blooming, elderly person, always neatly and elegantly clad. How learned as a physician he was will not be forgotten.

[ A. W. T. ]

  1. 'Meine Reise zum Congress.'