A Dictionary of Music and Musicians/Weitzmann, Karl

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3939017A Dictionary of Music and Musicians — Weitzmann, KarlGeorge Grove

WEITZMANN, Karl Friedrich, a learned and excellent writer on musical subjects, born at Berlin, Aug. 10, 1808, was a pupil of Henning Klein, Spohr and Hauptmann. He rose by various posts and labours, till in 1848 he established himself as a teacher and writer in Berlin, where he resided till his death, Nov. 7, 1880. His publications are various:—'History of Harmony' (1849); 'The Diminished Seventh' (1854); 'History of the Chord of the Seventh' (do.) etc; but especially 'History of Clavier-playing and Literature' (1st ed. 1863, 2nd do. much enlarged, and with a history of the instrument itself, 1880), a very valuable and interesting work. For further details see Riemann's 'Musik Lexikon,' 1887.

[ G. ]