A Dictionary of Music and Musicians/Zenobia

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ZENOBIA. An opera, worthy of notice because of the great number of times it has been set, often to the same libretto. The following list is collected from Clement's 'Dict. Lyrique' and Riemann's 'Opern-Handbuch.'

'Zenobia': to various texts. G. A. Boretti, Vienna, 1661; N. A. Strungk, Leipzig, 1697; G. K. Reutter, jun., Vienna, 1732; Earl of Mt. Edgcumbe, London, 1800. To Metastasio's text; L. A. Predieri, Vienna, 1740; G. Sbacci, Venice, 1740; B. Micheli, Venice, 1746; D. Perez, Turin, 1751; N. Piccinni, Naples, 1756; G. Cocchi, London, 1758; N. Sala, Naples, 1761; J. A. Hasse, Vienna, 1763; J. G. Schwanberg, Brunswick, 1767; A. Tozzi, Munich, 1773; V. Federici, London, 1795; Fr. Bianchi, London, 1797.

'Zenobia in Palmira.' F. Chelleri, Milan, 1711; F. Fio, Naples, 1713; L. Leo, Naples, 1725; P. Anfossi, Venice, 1790; G. Paesiello, Naples, 1790.

'Zenobia regina de' Palmireni.' T. Albinoni, Venice, 1694.

'Zenobia, Queen of Palmyra.' Pratt, New, York, 1883.

[ G. ]