
A Naval Biographical Dictionary/Berington, Samuel

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1635495A Naval Biographical Dictionary — Berington, SamuelWilliam Richard O'Byrne

BERINGTON. (Lieut., 1815. f-p., 9; h-p., 35.)

Samuel Berington was born 7 April, 1779. This officer entered the Navy, 25 Nov. 1803, as Midshipman, on board the Foudroyant 80, Capt. Peter Spicer, hearing the fliag in the Channel of Sir Thos. Graves. In March, 1805, he removed to the Growler gun-brig, Lieut.-Commanders James Rose, T. Nesbitt, and Rich. Grossman, employed for upwards of two years on the coast of France, where he was constantly engaged in the boats, and on one occasion received a gun-shot wound in the shoulder, which procured Mm a gratuity from the Patriotic Fund, but never any compensation from Government. He next, from Nov. 1807, until Jan. 1810, served, as Midshipman and Master’s Mate, in the President 38, Capts. Adam MacKenzie and Chas. Marsh Schomberg, in South America; then rejoined for a short period, in the latter capacity, the Foudroyant, bearing the flag, on the same station, of Hon. Michael De Courcy; was appointed, 24 March following, Sub-Lieutenant of the Nancy 10, Lieut.-Commander Kelwick; and in June, 1811, invalided home on board the Tortoise store-ship, Master-Commander Thos. Cook. He joined, in Dec. 1814, the Namur 74, bearing the flag of Sir Chas. Rowley at Sheerness; and attained his present rank 23 Feb. 1815. Since 4 of the ensuing July, when he was placed on half-pay, he has not been employed.

Lieut. Berington married a daughter of M. T. Butcher, Esq., of the Victualling Office, Deptford, and sister of Sam. Jas. Butcher, Esq., Paymaster and Purser, R.N. (1809), now serving on board the Birkenhead steam-frigate, Capt. Aug. H. Ingram. Agent – W. H. B. Barwis.