
A Naval Biographical Dictionary/Bolton, James

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1638796A Naval Biographical Dictionary — Bolton, JamesWilliam Richard O'Byrne

BOLTON. (Lieut., 1826. f-p., 17; h-p., 21.)

James Bolton, born 13 Oct. 1794, is first cousin of Commander Hen. Bolton.

This officer entered the Navy, 6 April, 1809, as Midshipman, on board the Reynard 10, Capt. Hew Steuart, which vessel, in Aug. following, attended the expedition to the Walcheren, where, in the attack upon Campvere, she grounded under the batteries, and was much damaged. On 23 July, 1810, having joined the Belvidera 36, Capt. Rich. Byron, Mr. Bolton served in the boats of that ship at the cutting out and destruction, after a smart action, of three Danish armed vessels, on the coast of Norway; and, on 23 June, 1812, he was present in her celebrated escape from a powerful squadron under the American Commodore Rodgers, who, in a long running fight, had occasioned her a loss of 2 men killed and 22 wounded. He was subsequently employed, as Mate and Admiralty Midshipman, in the Stag 36, and Spartan 38, both commanded by Capt. Phipps Hornby, at the Cape of Good Hope and in the Mediterranean; Severn 50, Capt. Hon. Fred. Wm. Aylmer, under whom he was hotly engaged in the battle of Algiers, 27 Aug. 1816; Ramillies 74, Capt. Thos. Boys; again, from Sept. 1818, until April, 1821, in the Severn, Capt. Wm. M‘Culloch, lying in the Downs; Sappho 18, Capts. Wm. Hen. Bruce and Hon. Hen. John Rous, on the Irish station; from March, 1822, till July, 1824, in the Hind 20, Capts. Rous and Lord John Churchill, in the Mediterranean; Albion 74, Capt. Sir Wm. Hoste, guard-ship at Portsmouth; and Britannia 120, bearing the flag at Plymouth of Sir Jas. Saumarez. Having passed his examination in March, 1815, Mr. Bolton was at length presented with a commission, 27 March, 1826. He has since been on half-pay.