
A Naval Biographical Dictionary/Bouverie, Frederick William Pleydell

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1639534A Naval Biographical Dictionary — Bouverie, Frederick William PleydellWilliam Richard O'Byrne

BOUVERIE. (Commander, 1842.)

Frederick William Pleydell Bouverie, born 18 April, 1816, is eldest son of the Hon. and Rev. Frederick Pleydell Bouverie, Canon of Salisbury, by Elizabeth, third daughter of the late Sir Rich. Joseph Sullivan, Bart.; nephew of Rear-Admiral Bouverie, and of the present Sir Chas. Sullivan, Bart., Capt. R.N.; and first-cousin of the Earl of Radnor.

This officer entered the Navy (from the Royal Naval College) 12 Oct. 1831; passed his examination in 1836; and obtained his first commission 10 May, 1839. He was afterwards appointed – 15 July following, to the Asia 84, Capt. Wm. Fisher, one of the ships employed during the operations of 1840 on the coast of Syria – 1 Dec. in the latter year, to the Vanguard 80, Capt. Sir David Dunn, also on the Mediterranean station – and, 8 Sept. 1841, to the Victory 104, as Flag-Lieutenant, at Portsmouth, to his uncle Rear-Admiral Bouverie. He was advanced to his present rank 7 March, 1842; but has since been on half-pay. Agent – J. Chippendale.

He married, in 1845, a daughter of the late J. Alexander, Esq.