
A Naval Biographical Dictionary/Clayton, John Lloyd

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1656289A Naval Biographical Dictionary — Clayton, John LloydWilliam Richard O'Byrne

CLAYTON. (Lieut., 1818. f-p., 7; h-p., 30.)

John Lloyd Clayton, born in Aug. 1796, is third son of the late Sir Wm. Clayton, Bart., of Harleyford, Bucks, by Mary, only daughter of Sir Wm. East, Bart., of Hall Place, Berks; and brother of the present Sir Wm. Robt. Clayton, Bart., as also of Sir East Geo. Clayton East, Bart., LL.D.

This officer entered the Navy, 27 April, 1810, as Fst.-cl. Vol., on board the Poictiers 74, Capt. Sir John Poo Beresford, under whom he attained the rating of Midshipman 19 May, 1811, and served, on the Home and American stations, until Feb. 1814. He then successively joined the Tonnant 80, Capt. Lord Cochrane, and Devonshire 74, Capt. Ross Donnelly; was in the Royal Sovereign yacht, Capt. Sir J. P. Beresford, when she conveyed Louis XVII. to Calais; and, on his return from Quebec, whither he had gone in the Liffey 50, Capt. John Hancock, became attached, in Feb. 1815, to the Ajax 74, Capt. Geo. Mundy, on the Mediterranean station; where, having removed to the Queen Charlotte 100, bearing the flag of Lord Exmouth, he appears to have taken part in the battle of Algiers, 27 Aug. 1816, and to have received, on the quarter-deck, the thanks of his Chief for his gallantry in sinking a burning vessel which had been rapidly approaching the flag-ship. After an interval of 16 months Mr. Clayton, in Feb. 1818, rejoined Lord Exmouth in the Impregnable 104, at Plymouth; subsequently to which we find him appointed to the Royal Sovereign and Royal George yachts, Capts. Sir Edw. W. C. R. Owen and Hon. Chas. Paget – under the former of whom, in the Royal Sovereign, he escorted to this country the present Queen Dowager, the Dukes and Duchesses of Kent, Cumberland, Cambridge, and Hesse Homburg, and the Grand Duke Michael of Russia. Since 9 Nov. 1818, the date of his promotion, he has not been afloat.

Lieut. Clayton is a magistrate for co. Middlesex and the liberties of Westminster. He married, in April, 1832, Louisa Sophia, only daughter of Chas. Littledale, Esq., of Portland Place, and by that lady, who died in March, 1841, has one son. Agents – Messrs. Ommanney.