
A Naval Biographical Dictionary/Cockburn, James Hobsford

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1657295A Naval Biographical Dictionary — Cockburn, James HobsfordWilliam Richard O'Byrne

COCKBURN. (Commander, 1846.)

James Hobsford Cockburn entered the Navy 1 Dec. 1829; passed his examination in 1836; and for his services on the coast of Syria – where he distinguished himself by his officer-like, cool, and steady conduct, as Senior Mate, at the destruction, on 20 Sept., of a castle mounting 5 guns, and in full view of 500 of the Egyptian army near Caiffa,[1]’ and witnessed the fall of St. Jean d’Acre – was promoted to the rank of Lieutenant 5 Nov. 1840. He was appointed, 9 March, 1842, to the Winchester 50, flag-ship at the Cape of Good Hope of the Hon. Josceline Percy, to whom, from 10 May, 1844, until paid off in 1846, he officiated as Flag-Lieutenant. His assumption of his present rank took place on 24 April in the latter year.

  1. Vide Gaz. 1840, p. 2601.