
A Naval Biographical Dictionary/Crozier, Richard

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1670174A Naval Biographical Dictionary — Crozier, RichardWilliam Richard O'Byrne

CROZIER. (Captain, 1839. f-p., 16; h-p., 18.)

Richard Crozier, born 26 Aug. 180.3, is eldest son of R. B. Crozier, Esq., a retired military officer, of West Hill, Isle of Wight; brother of the present Lieut. W. P. Crozier, R.N.; grandson of the gallant Sir Rich. Pearson, Knight, who, in Sept. 1799, beat off an American squadron of twice his own force under the notorious Paul Jones, by which achievement a convoy valued at upwards of 600,000l. was saved to the country, and who afterwards died Lieut.-Governor of Greenwich Hospital in Jan. 1806; and nephew of the late Capt. Rich. Harrison Pearson, R.N. (1798).

This officer entered the Navy, 1 Nov. 1813, as Fst.-cl. Vol., on board the Benbow 74, commanded by his uncle, Capt. R. H. Pearson, in which ship he cruized on the West India station until Oct. 1814. In Feb. 1817, he became a student at the Royal Naval College, where he remained until April, 1819. He then re-embarked on board the Active 46, Capts. Sir Jas. Alex. Gordon and Andrew King, employed successively on the North American and Mediterranean stations; attained the rating of Midshipman 20 April, 1820; and after a further attachment, on the Home station, to the Carnation tender, Lieut.-Commander Chas. Witham, and Apollo and Royal Sovereign yachts, Capts. Hon. Sir Chas. Paget and Chas. Adam, obtained his first commission 6 Sept. 1823. As a Lieutenant, Mr. Crozier’s appointments appear to have been – 22 March, 1823, and 25 Feb. 1826, to the Lively 46, Capt. Wm. Elliott, and Ariadne 26, Capt. Adolphus FitzClarenee, in which frigates he served on the Lisbon, West India, and Mediterranean stations. Being awarded the rank of Commander, 30 April, 1827, he subsequently officiated, for a few months in 1831, as Second Captain of the Prince Regent 120, flag-ship in the Channel and off Lisbon of Rear-Admiral Wm. Parker – and was appointed, 20 Dec. 1834, to the Victor 16. During upwards of four years that he continued in the latter vessel, Capt. Crozier cruised against the pirates in the Straits of Malacca,, and visited Australia, New Zealand, and the islands of the South Pacific. Since his Post-promotion, 26 March, 1839, he has not been afloat.

For his contributory services, when Lieutenant of the Lively, in protecting and restoring Don John to the throne of Portugal, Capt. Crozier was by that monarch rireated a Knight of the Tower and Sword in May, 1824. He married, 18 June, 1839, Julia, fourth daughter of Geo. Stone, Esq., of Chislehurst, co. Kent, by whom he has issue a son and daughter. Agents – Messrs. Stilwell.