
A Naval Biographical Dictionary/Evans, Thomas Pearce

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1707101A Naval Biographical Dictionary — Evans, Thomas PearceWilliam Richard O'Byrne

EVANS. (Lieut., 1810. f-p., 13; h-p., 34.)

Thomas Pearce Evans was born 16 Oct. 1786.

This officer entered the Navy, in May, 1800, as Fst.-cl. Vol., on board the Jason 36, Capts. Joseph Sydney Yorke and Hon. John Murray, on the Home station. In 1801 he became Midshipman of the De Ruyter 64, Capt. Rich. Dacres, whom he soon afterwards accompanied to the West Indies in the Désirée 36. Joining, in Sept. 1803, the Dragon 74, Capts. Edw. Griffith and Matthew Henry Scott, he served, as Master’s Mate, under the former officer, in Sir Robt. Calder’s action, 22 July, 1805; two years after which period he removed to the Brunswick 74, Capt. Thos. Graves. In 1808 Mr. Evans rejoined Capt. Griffith on board the Sultan 74; and in the boats of that ship, on proceeding to the Mediterranean, he assisted in cutting out several vessels from Oneglia, on the coast of Italy. On 16 May, 1809, he was promoted, from the Ocean 98, flag-ship of Lord Collingwood, to an Acting-Lieutenancy in the Hibernia 110, Capt. Rich. John Neve. He was confirmed, 4 May following, into the Warspite 74, Capts. Hon. Henry Blackwood and Lord Jas. O’Bryen; and with those officers he successively served, chiefly on the Home station, nntil Nov. 1814. Since that period Lieut. Evans has been unemployed.

He married, 12 Aug. 1812, Clare Elizabeth, third daughter of the Rev. John Pennefather, Rector of St. John parish, in the diocese of Cashell, co. Tipperary, and sister of Lieut. W. W. Pennefather, R.N., by whom he has issue six children.