
A Naval Biographical Dictionary/Porter, Thomas

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1880780A Naval Biographical Dictionary — Porter, ThomasWilliam Richard O'Byrne

PORTER. (Commander, 1822. f-p., 15; h-p., 25.)

Thomas Porter entered the Navy, 14 Nov. 1807, as Fst.-cl. Vol., on board the Pompée 74, Capt. Rich. Dacres, attached to the Channel fleet; removed, in Jan. 1808, to the Eclipse sloop, Capt. Geo. Adey Creyke, employed on the Lisbon, West India, and Home stations; served from June, 1810, to Feb. 1813 in the Armada 74, Capts. Adam Mackenzie, John Ferris Devonshire, and Chas. Grant, in the North Sea and Mediterranean; then joined the Hibernia 120, bearing the flag of Sir Wm. Sidney Smith off Toulon; and on 27 July, 1814, was advanced to the rank of Lieutenant. His succeeding appointments were – 7 Sept. 1814, to the Crescent 38, Capt. John Quilliam, in the West Indies – 29 Sept. 1815, to the Tyrian 10, Capt. Augustus Baldwin, in the Channel – 5 Sept. 1817, after nearly 12 months of half-pay, to the Andromache 44, Capt. Wm. Henry Shirreff, fitting for South America – and, 10 May 1821, to the Superb 78, bearing the broad pendant of Sir Thos. Masterman Hardy on that station. On 26 Aug. 1822 he was made Commander into the Alacrity sloop, in which vessel, in July, 1823, he returned to England with 1,000,000 dollars. He has not been since afloat. Agents – Hallett and Robinson.