
A Naval Biographical Dictionary/Skene, James

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1944432A Naval Biographical Dictionary — Skene, JamesWilliam Richard O'Byrne

SKENE. (Lieut., 1815. f-p., 10; h-p., 30.)

James Skene entered the Navy, in 1807, as Fst.-cl. Vol., on board the Favourite 18, Capt. Nairne, lying at Sheerness; and in 1808 joined the Puissant 74, Capt. Irvine, at Spithead. After cruizing in the West Indies and on the coast of North America in the Guerrière 40, Capt. Alex. Skene, he followed that officer in 1809 into the Hussar 38, and in the course of the same year accompanied, as Midshipman, the expedition to the Walcheren. From 1810 until 1812 he served, chiefly on the Home station, in the Seine 36, Capts. David Atkins and John Hatley, and Inconstant 36, Capt. Edw. W. C. R. Owen. He was then employed for upwards of a year and a half in the Minden and Illustrious 74’s, flag-ships (both commanded by Capt. A. Skene) of Sir Sam. Hood in the East Indies; on his return whence we find him serving for a year under Vice-Admiral Hon. Sir Alex. Cochrane in the Asia 74 and Tonnant 80, on the North American station. While there he was very actively employed against the enemy. in the boats and on shore, and was present in the attack upon New Orleans. On 27 March, 1815 (the day after he had passed his examination), he was nominated Acting-Lieutenant of the Wolverene 16, Capt. Geo. Guy Burton; and while in that vessel, in which he continued until the following Aug., he was officially promoted to a commission bearing date 25 April in the same year. His last appointments were – 19 Sept. 1822 and 18 Jan. 1823 to the Impregnable 104 and Britannia 120, both commanded by Capt. Skene, and each bearing the flag of Sir A. Cochrane at Plymouth. He has been on half-pay since April, 1824. Agents – Hallett and Robinson.