
A Naval Biographical Dictionary/Snell, William

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1950329A Naval Biographical Dictionary — Snell, WilliamWilliam Richard O'Byrne

SNELL. (Lieut., 1811. f-p., 18; h-p., 30.)

William Snell is brother of Commander Geo. Snell, R.N.

This officer entered the Navy, 13 Aug. 1799, as Fst.-cl. Vol., on board the Venerable 74, Capts. Sir Wm. Geo. Fairfax and Sam. Hood; in which ship and the Resistance 38, Capt. Henry Digby, he continued employed in the Channel until July, 1801. In June, 1803, he became Midshipman of the Britannia 100, Captain, afterwards Rear-Admiral, the Earl of Northesk; and in June, 1806, after having fought at the battle of Trafalgar, he removed to the Lavinia 40, Capts. Lord Wm. Stuart and John Hancock, stationed at first in the Channel and then in the Mediterranean; where he served as Master’s Mate, from Aug. 1808 until July, 1810, on board the Royal Sovereign 100, flag-ship of Vice-Admiral Edw. Thornbrough. He next, in Sept. 1810, joined the Hibernia 120, Capts. Nash and John Chambers White; with the latter of whom, on returning to the Mediterranean, he removed, in Dec. of the same year, to the Centaur 74. In that ship, of which he was created an Acting and a confirmed Lieutenant 19 Oct. and 4 Dec. 1811, he co-operated in the defence of Tarragona. He left her in Jan. 1813, and was subsequently appointed – 19 March, 1813, to the Fervent 12, Capts. Chas. Hope Reid and Wm. Hotham, employed in the Baltic and Channel – 16 Nov. 1814, to the Calypso 18, Capts. C. H. Reid and Sam. Sison, stationed, until July, 1816, off Lisbon and in the Mediterranean – and 16 May, 1818, to the Driver 18, also commanded by Capt. Reid, with whom he served on the coast of Scotland until paid off in Oct. 1821. He has not, we believe, been since afloat. Agents – Burnett and Holmes.