
A Naval Biographical Dictionary/Stephens, Thomas

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1955232A Naval Biographical Dictionary — Stephens, ThomasWilliam Richard O'Byrne

STEPHENS. (Lieutenant, 1834.)

Thomas Stephens died 27 Dec. 1844 at Barnstaple.

This officer entered the Royal Naval College 4 Sept. 1823; and embarked, 22 March, 1825, as a Volunteer, on board the Aurora 46, Capt. John Maxwell, stationed off Lisbon. In May, 1826, he removed as Midshipman to the Forte 44, Capt. Jeremiah Coghlan, fitting for South America; whence, we believe, he returned in 1829 with Sir John Gordon Sinclair in the Lord Wellington. After serving for a short time at Portsmouth in the Victory 104, Capt. Hon. Geo. Elliott, he was nominated Mate, in Sept. 1829 (immediately after he had passed his examination), of the Melville 74, Capts. Alex. Wilmot Schomberg and Christopher John Williams Nesham, on the Mediterranean station. He next, in Sept. 1830, joined the Favorite 18, Capt. Joseph Harrison, on the coast of Africa; where, in Jan. and May, 1833, he was placed in command, with the rank of Acting-Lieutenant, of_ the Pluto steamer and Brisk brig. He was officially promoted 2 April, 1834; and was subsequently, 11 June and 10 Sept. 1836, appointed to the Melville 74, flag-ship of Sir Peter Halkett, and Champion 18, Capts. Robt. Fair and Geo. St. Vincent King, both on the North America and West India station. He was paid off from the Champion, of which vessel he had been the greater part of the time First-Lieutenant, in Nov. 1838; and did not afterwards go afloat.