
A Naval Biographical Dictionary/Wingrove, Henry Edward

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2011108A Naval Biographical Dictionary — Wingrove, Henry EdwardWilliam Richard O'Byrne

WINGROVE. (Commander, 1846.)

Henry Edward Wingrove entered the Navy 30 Sept. 1812; passed his examination in 1819; served in 1824 in the Prometheus, in Sir Harry Burrard Neale’s demonstration before Algiers; and obtained his first commission 11 Dec. 1826. He was employed afterwards – from 15 April, 1831, until the close of 1837, in the Coast Guard – from 24 June, 1840, until the end of 1841, in the Magnificent 72, receiving-ship at Jamaica, Commodores Peter John Douglas and Edw. Boxer – and from 29 Jan. 1843 until advanced to his present rank, 9 Wov. 1846, in the Blazer steam surveying-vessel of 136 horse-power, Capt. John Washington, on the Harwich station. He was re-appointed to the Blazer 7 Dec. 1846; and has been in command, since 1 Oct. 1847, of the Scourge steam-sloop of 420 horse-power, on the North America and West India station.

Commander Wingrove married, 7 April, 1838, Sarah, youngest daughter of the late John Morrins, Esq., of the Archbishop’s Palace, Canterbury.