A Treatise on Painting/Chapter 283

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A Treatise on Painting
by Leonardo da Vinci, translated by John Francis Rigaud
A Precept of Perspective in regard to Painting
4015740A Treatise on Painting — A Precept of Perspective in regard to PaintingJohn Francis RigaudLeonardo da Vinci

Chap. CCLXXXIII.A Precept of Perspective in regard to Painting.

When, on account of some particular quality of the air, you can no longer distinguish the difference between the lights and shadows of objects, you may reject the perspective of shadows, and make use only of the linear perspective, and the diminution of colours, to lessen the knowledge of the objects opposed to the eye; and this, that is to say, the loss of the knowledge of the figure of each object, will make the same object appear more remote.

The eye can never arrive at a perfect knowledge of the interval between two objects variously distant, by means of the linear perspective alone, if not assisted by the perspective of colours.