A Treatise on Painting/Chapter 96

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A Treatise on Painting
by Leonardo da Vinci, translated by John Francis Rigaud
The greatest Twist which a Man can make, in turning to look at himself behind. Plate XVII.
4004067A Treatise on Painting — The greatest Twist which a Man can make, in turning to look at himself behind. Plate XVII.John Francis RigaudLeonardo da Vinci

Chap. XCVI.The greatest Twist which a Man can make, in turning to look at himself behind. Plate XVII.

The greatest twist that the body can perform is when the back of the heels and the front of the face are seen at the same time. It is not done without difficulty, and is effected by bending the leg and lowering the shoulder on that side towards which the head turns. The cause of this motion, and also which of the muscles move first and which last, I shall explain in my treatise on anatomy[1].

  1. It is explained in this work, or at least there is something respecting it in the preceding chapter, and in chap. cli.