Age and life of man, or, A short description of the nture (sic), rise, and fall, according to the 12 months of the year/My Dear Highland Laddie, O

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For other versions of this work, see The Dear Highland Laddie O.

My dear Highland Laddie,

BLYTHE was the time when he seed wi'
my father O,
happy were the times when we herded
we together, O,
sweet were the hours when he row’d me
in his plaiddie O,
and vow’d to be mine, my dear highland
laddie O.

But ah! waes me, wi' their sodgeren so
gaudy O,
The Laird’s taen awa my braw highland
laddie, O;
Misty are the glens and the dark hills are
cloudy, O,
That aye seem’d sae blythe wi’ my dear
highland laddie O.

The blaeberry banks now are lonesome and
dreary, O,
Muddy are the streams that gush'd down
sae clearly.
Silent are the rocks that echo'd sae gladly,
The wild (illegible text) strains of my dear highland
laddie. O,

Oh! Love is like the morning, sae gladsome
and bonny, O
Till winds fa' a storming, and clouds low'r
sae rainy, O;
As nature, in winter, drrops withering sae
sadly, O,
Sae lang may I morn for my dear highland
laddie, O.

He pu’d me the the crawberry ripe frae the
boggie fen,
He pu'd me the strawberry red frae the
boggie glen,
He pu’d me the rowan frae the wild steep
sae giddy, O,
Sae loving and kind was my dear highland
laddie, O.

Farewel my ewes an’ farewel my doggie, O
Farewel ye knows, now fae cheerless and
scroggi, O;
Faetwel, Glenfeoch, my mammy and my
daddie, O,
How can I live without my dear highland
laddie, O!