Ante-Nicene Fathers/Volume VI/Dionysius/Extant Fragments/Containing Various Sections of the Works/Epistle to Dionysius Bishop of Rome/Part 5

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Ante-Nicene Fathers Vol. VI, Extant Fragments, Containing Various Sections of the Works, Epistle to Dionysius Bishop of Rome
Dionysius, translated by Stewart Dingwall Fordyce Salmond
Part 5
158234Ante-Nicene Fathers Vol. VI, Extant Fragments, Containing Various Sections of the Works, Epistle to Dionysius Bishop of Rome — Part 5Stewart Dingwall Fordyce SalmondDionysius

From the Same Second Book.

10. But if any quibbler, from the fact that I said that God is the Maker and Creator of all things, thinks that I said that He is also Creator of Christ, let him observe that I first called Him Father, in which word the Son also is at the same time expressed.[1] For after I called the Father the Creator, I added, Neither is He the Father of those things whereof He is Creator, if He who begot is properly understood to be a Father (for we will consider the latitude of this word Father in what follows). Nor is a maker a father, if it is only a framer who is called a maker. For among the Greeks, they who are wise are said to be makers of their books. The apostle also says, “a doer (scil. maker) of the law.”[2] Moreover, of matters of the heart, of which kind are virtue and vice, men are called doers (scil. makers); after which manner God said, “I expected that it should make judgment, but it made iniquity.”[3]

11. That neither must this saying be thus blamed;[4] for he says that he used the name of Maker on account of the flesh which the Word had assumed, and which certainly was made. But if any one should suspect that that had been said of the Word, even this also was to be heard without contentiousness. For as I do not think that the Word was a thing made, so I do not say that God was its Maker, but its Father. Yet still, if at any time, discoursing of the Son, I may have casually said that God was His Maker, even this mode of speaking would not be without defence. For the wise men among the Greeks call themselves the makers of their books, although the same are fathers of their books. Moreover, divine Scripture calls us makers of those motions which proceed from the heart, when it calls us doers of the law of judgment and of justice.


  1. Ibid., 4. 20.
  2. Rom. ii. 13; James iv. 12. The Greek word ποιητής meaning either maker or doer, causes the ambiguity here and below.
  3. Isa. v. 7.
  4. Athanasius adds (ut supra, 4. 21), that Dionysius gave various replies to those that blamed him for saying that God is the Maker of Christ, whereby he cleared himself.