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Aunt Caroline's Dixieland Recipes/Cakes

From Wikisource
2268802Aunt Caroline's Dixieland Recipes1922Emma McKinney



Two eggs,
Two cups of brown sugar,
One cup of butter,
One cup of buttermilk,
Three cups of flour,
Half cake of melted chocolate,
One and one-half tablespoons of cinnamon,
One teaspoon of cloves,
One teaspoon of allspice,
One teaspoon of soda dissolved in half cup of boiling water.

Cream butter and sugar and add to well beaten eggs, next add milk, melted chocolate, flour beaten in lightly, vanilla and spices, and lastly the boiling water and soda. Bake in layer tins and moderate oven.

(For Devil’s Food Cake)

Two cups of white sugar,
One cup of sweet milk,
Half cake of chocolate,
Yolk of one egg,
Butter size of an egg,
One teaspoonful of Vanilla.

Put all the ingredients except vanilla on to cook. Cook until thick, then beat until creamy, add vanilla and spread on layers.


Cream one cup of butter and two cups of powdered sugar. Add stiffly beaten whites of six eggs, three cups of flour, in which has been sifted two teaspoonsful of baking powder, and one teaspoonful of vanilla. Bake in layers in moderate oven.


Put on two cups of white sugar with enough water to dissolve thoroughly and cook until it spins a thread. Then add one teaspoonful of vanilla and pour slowly over the whites of two eggs beaten stiff. Beat until creamy and then spread on cake layers. Thickly strew the top of icing with raisins, English walnuts and blanched almonds.


Whites of eleven eggs,
One cup of flour,
One and one-half cups of sugar,
One teaspoonful of cream of tartar,
One teaspoonful of almond extract.

Sift flour and sugar together five times, then add cream of tartar. Have whites well beaten and add sugar and flour slowly, then almond extract. Beat very little after flour goes in and bake in round cake pan in moderate oven for about fifty minutes.


Put on to cook two and one-fourth cups of brown sugar, three tablespoonsful of cream, one tablesponful of butter. Cook until thick, then beat until creamy and spread on layers.


Two cups of sugar,
One cup of milk,
One cup of butter,
Three cups of flour (sifted three times)
One cup of cornstarch into which has been sifted three teaspoons of baking powder,
One teaspoonful of almond extract.

Cream butter and sugar, add milk, flour, cornstarch and flavoring. Bake in layers in moderate oven.


Three eggs beaten separately and then together,
One and one-half cups of sugar,
One and one-half cups of flour,
One and one-half teaspoonsful of baking powder,
One-hlf cup-of boiling water.

Mix in the order given and cook in biscuit pan in moderate oven.


Whites of eighteen eggs,
One pound of flour,
One pound of sugar,
Three-fourths pound of butter.

Sift flour three times after adding to it a teaspoonful of soda, and two of cream of tartar. Cream butter and sugar until very light and add to the stiffly beaten whites. Next add the flour, beating it in lightly with the hand. Flavor with one teaspoonful of vanilla or almond extract and bake in slow oven.


One pound of butter,
One pound of sugar,
One pound of flour,
Juice and rind of one lemon,
Nine eggs,
One and one-fourth pounds of Almonds (in shell),
One-half pounds of citron,
One-half pound of raisins.

Cream butter and sugar and add to well beaten yolks. Next add alternately the flour and the whites beaten stiff, then the fruits, which have been cut fine and dredged with flour, and lastly the nuts. Bake in a slow oven.


One pound of butter,
One pound of flour,
One and one-half pounds of sugar,
One dozen eggs,
Three pounds of citron chopped fine,
Two small cocoanuts (grated),
Two pounds of Almonds (blanched and chopped fine),
One wine glass of brandy,
One wine glass of wine,
Three teaspoonsful of nutmeg,
Two teaspoonsful of mace.

Cream butter and sugar and add to well beaten yolks. Next add flour and whites beaten stiff, the fruit, nuts, brandy, wine and spices. Bake in slow oven from four to five hours.


To whites of eight eggs beaten stiff, add one cup of butter and two cups of sugar creamed together. Next add three-fourths cup of milk, three cups of flour, two teaspoonsful of baking powder and one teaspoonful of vanilla. Bake in layers in moderate oven.


Put on to cook two cups of sugar and half a cup of water. Boil without stirring until it jellies when dropped into cold water. Then pour over stiffly beaten whites of three eggs, then stir into icing a small quantity of citron, currants, dates, figs, raisins, almonds, English walnuts (all chopped fine) and grated cocoanut, leaving out a similar quantity to be put on top of cake when iced.


Four eggs,
Three cups of flour,
Two cups of sugar,
One cup of butter,
One cup of milk,
Two teaspoonsful of baking powder,
One teaspoonful of Vanilla.

Separate eggs leaving out two whites for filling. To beaten yolks, add butter and sugar creamed together, then the milk, flour, baking powder and vanilla and lastly whites of two eggs beaten stiff. Bake in layers in moderate oven, and put together with any kind of filling desired.


Whites of eight eggs,
Two cups of sugar,
One cup of crisco,
Three cups of flour,
One cup of milk,
Two teaspoons of baking powder.

One teaspoon of vanilla. Cream crisco and sugar and add to stiffly beaten whites, then add the milk. Next beat the flour in lightly, and add baking powder and vanilla. Bake in layer cake tins in a moderate oven.


Yolks of six eggs,
Three cups of sugar,
Enough water to dissolve sugar thoroughly.

Put sugar and water on to cook. Let it cook until it spins a thread, then gradually pour it over the yellows, which have been beaten until thick. Beat until filling becomes creamy, add one teaspoonful of vanilla, and spread on layers.


Whites of three eggs beaten stiff. Add three tablespoonsful of sugar slowly. Put on top of butterthins and sprinkle over with ground nuts and brown in oven.


Sift one quart of flour, make a hole in the center, put in two cups of sugar, one of lard, one beaten egg, and one cup of sweet milk, into which has been stirred a half teaspoonful of soda. Work all together, roll thin and bake in a quick oven.


One cup of butter,
One cup of brown sugar,
One cup of apple sauce,
One and one-half teaspoonsful of soda (mixed in with apple sauce),
Two cups of flour,
One cup of raisins,
One cup of currants,
Two eggs.


One pound of flour,
Three-fourths pound of butter,
One pound of sugar,
Twelve eggs,

Cream butter and about two-thirds of the flour together. Beat whites of eggs to a stiff froth, beat yolks of eggs and sugar together until very light. Mix thoroughly all the ingredients, stirring in last the loose flour. Bake in a slow oven until done.


One-fourth pound of marshmallows,
Whites of two eggs,
One cup of sugar,
One-half cup of water.

Boil sugar and water until it spins a thread. Cut up marshmallows and pour boiling water over them to steam. When sugar is done, pour gradually over the whites of two eggs beaten stiff, then add marshmallows; beat until creamy and spread on cake layers.


Four eggs,
Two cups of sugar,
One cup of butter,
One cup of sweet milk,
Three cups of flour,
One teaspoonful of baking powder,
One-half pound of raisins,
One teaspoonsful each of Cinnamon, cloves and allspice.

Cream butter and sugar and add to well beaten eggs. Next add the milk, flour, baking powder, raisins and spices. Bake in layers in moderate oven.


Two cups of sugar,
Juice and grated rind of two lemons,
Two cups of grated cocoanut,
One cup of boiling water.

When this begins to boil, add one tablespoonful of cornstarch dissolved in a little cold water. Cook until it spins a thread, then beat until creamy and spread between layers.


1 tablespoonful of butter,
1 cupful of sugar,
2 tablespoonsful of cocoa,
4 tablespoonsful of boiling water.

Put the butter into an agate dish on the stove; when melted, stir in the cocoa and sugar dry; add boiling water and stir until smooth. Add vanilla to taste.


Two eggs beaten light,
Two cups of sugar,
Three level tablespoonsful of melted butter,
One cup of sour milk (if sweet milk is used, add one teaspoonful of cream of tartar),
Four cups of flour,
One-half teaspoonful of soda,
One-half teaspoonful of cinnamon,
One-half teaspoonful of salt.

Mix in the order given adding the dry ingredients sifted together and enough more flour to make a dough just soft enough to handle. Have the board well-floured, and the fat for frying, heating. Roll out only a little at a time, cut into rings with an open cutter. Do all the cutting before frying, as that will take your entire attention. The fat should be hot enough for the dough to rise to the top instantly.


2 eggs,
1 cupful of sugar,
1½ cupfuls of oatmeal, or Rolled Oats,
⅔ cupful of cocoanut,
¼ teaspoonful of salt,
½ teaspoonful of vanilla,
2 tablespoonsful of butter.

Cream the butter and sugar together and add the wellbeaten eggs. Add the remainder of the ingredients and drop on a well greased baking-pan. Bake in a moderate oven, from fifteen to twenty minutes.


4 eggs,
1 cupful of sugar,
1 cupful of flour,
1 teaspoonful of Cream of Tartar,
½ teaspoonful of soda,
Pinch of salt,
1 teaspoonful of extract of Lemon.

Beat together eggs and sugar, add salt and extract. Stir into the dry flour the soda and cream of tartar. Mix all together. Bake in a moderate oven, in a large pan, and turn out, when done, on a clean towel, which has been sprinkled with powdered sugar. Spread with jelly and roll while warm.


One and one-half cups of sugar,
One cup of crisco or butter,
Three eggs,
One tablespoonful of cinnamon,
One-half teaspoonful of salt,
One teaspoonful of soda, dissolved in four tablespoonful of hot water,
Three cups of flour,
One-cup each of raisins, currants, and English walnuts or almonds broken up.

To well beaten eggs add creamed butter and sugar, cinnamon, soda, water, flour, fruits, which must be dredged with flour, and nuts. Lastly add one teaspoonful of vanilla and drop by spoonful into greased pans. Bake in moderate oven.


One-half cup of brown sugar,
One cup of molasses,
One-half cup of butter,
One teaspoonful of baking powder,
One teaspoonful of ginger,
One-half pint of flour to begin with.

Put butter, powder and sugar into flour, add ginger and molasses. Add more flour if needed. Roll out thin and bake in a quick oven.


One cup of brown sugar,
One-half cup of melted shortening,
One egg,
One-half cup of sweet milk,
One-half teaspoonful of soda sifted with flour,
One and one-half cups of flour,
One-half cup of chopped raisins,
One-half cup of chopped nuts,
One-half teaspoonful of salt,
Three squares of melted chocolate.

Mix in order given and bake in moderate oven.


One pound of white sugar,
Three-fourths pound of butter,
One pound of flour (one quart) sifted,
Two pounds of raisins,
One pound of currants,
One pound of dates,
One-half pound of citron,
Ten eggs,
One pound of figs,
One ounce each of cinnamon, nutmeg and cloves,
Two teaspoonsful of baking powder mixed in with flour,
One wine glass of brandy and one of wine,

Cream butter and sugar and add to well beaten yolks. Then add alternately the flour and whites of the eggs beaten stiff; then the wine and brandy spices. Lastly add the fruit which has been chopped fine and dredged with flour, mix well together and bake about four hours in a slow oven.