Base-Ball Ballads/The Raven Up-to-Date

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Base-Ball Ballads
by Grantland Rice
The Raven Up-to-Date
4544766Base-Ball Ballads — The Raven Up-to-DateGrantland Rice


Last night while I pondered dreary, grouchy, sore, and limp and leary,
O'er the dope in my apartments, far up on the thirteenth floor;
As I nodded, nearly napping, suddenly there came a tapping,
As of some one gently rapping, rapping at my chamber door.
"Tis some bill collector," thought I, "rapping at my chamber door—
    Only that and nothing more."

Ah, distinctly I remember, I was thinking of September,
And the finish of the league race—what the future had in store;
And I started prophesying where the pennant would be flying,
Till at last I gave up trying, feeling very sad and sore,
For the dope was so uncertain that I gave up sad and sore,
    Grumbling slowly: "Nevermore."

As I sat there, nearly bug house, longing for a near-by jug house,
Once again I heard the tapping, tapping at my chamber door;
So I oped it, shrinking craven, wishing for some happy haven,
When behold! there flapped a Raven, stalking in across the floor—
Stalking Edgar Allen Poeish, right across my rugless floor.
    Ach, du Leiber! I was sore.

"Raven!" cried I, "why the devil have you come here? On the level,
I thought Mr. Poe had written you would enter nevermore.
What has brought you, you intriguer, with that look so keen and eager?
Speak up there, you old bush leaguer; why have you returned, you bore?
State your trouble and then skip, sir: leave me quickly, I implore!"
    Quoth the Raven: "What's the score?"