Bohemian legends and other poems/Saddle my Charger
“Like the wild storm, I would fly through the air—
Saddle my horse! In the forest I’ll dare!
“Lady, my lady! the rocks seem to shake,
While the heavens with lightning are flaming,
In the storm the forest moans like a lake—
Oh, go not my lady—’Tis awful to-day!”
“With lightning and wind I’ll ride for a stake!
Go saddle my charger make no mistake.”
“Lady, my lady! Oh, risk not your life,
Wild beasts in the forest prowl to-night,
And foxes are howling amidst the strife,
Who knows if the forest you’d leave alive?”
‘To hunt the wild beasts in storm is delight,
Saddle! The fox with my spear I’ll kill outright!”
“Lady, oh listen! Your lord comes to-day—
Will you not welcome him back to his home?
You know he'll repay you—revenge his way!
Stay at home lady! Dreadful is your lord!”
“I know it! Him only I dread to-day—
With the whirlwind I’ll fly out of his way!
Terrible is it to live in his sight.
Awful to meet him, no love in my heart—
Saddle! Let me hide myself from his might!
With whirlwind and foxes ’tis easier to fight.”