Botanical Gazette/V07/Equisetum variegatum, Schleich.
< Botanical Gazette | V07
Equisetum variegatum, Schleich. — Mrs. A. E. Bush, of San Jose, Cal., has sent me specimens of an Equisetum, collected at the hills near that city, April 22, which must be referred to the above species. The stalks are densely tufted, and the grooves of the stem vary from 5 to 10, but are commonly 6 or 7; one large stalk had 11. This species is not mentioned in the "Botany of California" and to my knowledge has not been reported from this state hitherto. It appears in Colorado (Porter and Coulter), and from Ill. to N. H., and northward. — Lucien M. Underwood, Wesl. Univ., Bloomington, Ill.