Canada Gazette/Volume I/No. 50/Militia General Orders, June 2, 1868

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Canada Gazette, Vol. I, No. 50
Militia General Orders, June 2, 1868 by P. L. MacDougall
264432Canada Gazette, Vol. I, No. 50 — Militia General Orders, June 2, 1868P. L. MacDougall


Ottawa, 2nd June, 1868

General Order,


Officers Commanding Battalions and Corps of the Volunteer Militia are hereby notified that, until further orders, when Volunteers are called out for actual service, the rates of daily pay will be, for privates fifty cents ; and for non-comissioned officers in proportion.

Free rations or an allowance in lieu thereof will be furnished in addition, in conformity with the Blue Book regulations published in 1866.

Boots will also be issued free of charge to all Volunteers who may be required to leave their homes for actual service.

Boots willl be issued by District Staff Officers on the requisistion of Commanding Officers of Corps or Battalions, for the number of men actually under arms for such actual service.

By Command of His Excellency of the Right Honorable the Governor General and Commander in Chief.
P. L. MacDOUGALL, Colonel,
Adjutant General of Militia,
