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Canada Gazette/Volume I/No. 50/Militia General Orders, June 5, 1868

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Canada Gazette, Vol. I, No. 50 (1868)
Militia General Orders, June 5, 1868 by P. L. MacDougall
264433Canada Gazette, Vol. I, No. 50 — Militia General Orders, June 5, 18681868P. L. MacDougall


Ottawa, 5th June, 1868

General Order,


No. 1.

In order to simplify, as much as possible, and to ensure uniformity in the mode of conducting correspondence with Head Quarters, the following which has generally been practised by Officers of the Volunteer Militia will be observed Universally in future, viz:

Officers desiring to communicate officially with the Adjutant General, will address their letters to him direct, and forward the same to the intermediate higher authority for transmission.

No. 2.

10th, or Royal Regiment of Toronto Volunteers.

The Christian names of Lieutenant Ramsay are "William John" and not "John" as was stated in the General order of the 8th May last.

33rd "Huron" Battalion of Infantry.

Lieutenant and Adjutant Henry Cooke, having obtained a First Class Certificate on the 10th March last, is now confirmed in his rank from that date. To be Battalion Drill Instructor:

Lieutenant and Adjutant Henry Cooke.

No. 5 Company, Bayfield.

To be Ensign, acting till further orders :

Joseph Twentyman, Gentleman, vice W. H. Woods, whose resignation is hereby accepted.

34th "Ontario" Battalion of Infantry.

Lieut.-Colonel S. B. Fairbanks and Major Wm. Warren, Junior, having held First Class Military School Certificates at the time of their appointment, are now confirmed temporarily in their respective ranks from that date.

43rd "Carleton" Battalion of Infantry.

Ensign and Adjutant Wm. H. Falls, to have the the rank of Lieutenant.

No. 5 Company, Richmond.

To be Captain, acting till further orders:

Lieutenant John Joseph Maxwell, vice Jno. A. Bryson, left the limits.

To be Lieutenant (temporary):

Ensign Thomas Good, M. S., vice Maxwell, promoted.

To be Ensign, noting till further orders :

John Hill, Gentleman, vice Good, promoted.

44th "Welland" Battalion of Infantry.

No. 1 Company, Clifton.

To be Captain (temporary) :

Lieut. Wm. Russell, M. S., vice Cannon, whose resignation is hereby accepted.

To be Lieutenant (temporary):

Ensign Hiram Bender, M. S., vice Russell, promoted.

To be Ensign, acting till further orders

Sergeant Robert Thompson, vice Bender, promoted.

No. 3.

Province of Ontario.

The Brampton Grammar School Drill Association.

A Drill Association is hereby authorized at Brampton, in the Regimental Division of Peel, under the direction of John Seath, Esquire, B. A., to be composed of the Masters and Pupils of the Brampton County Grammar School, and to be styled the "Brampton Grammar School Drill Association."

By Command of His Excellency of the Right Honorable the Governor General and Commander in Chief.
P. L. MacDOUGALL, Colonel,
Adjutant General of Militia,
