Catalogue of Books Suitable for a Popular Library/Ethics

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N. Y., Scribner's Sons, 1895 $1
This volume is full of many timely suggestions and much good advice.
N. Y., Alden, 1889 50c
Author has sought to present truths in those forms which please the young- and gain their intelligent sympathy.
N. Y., Scribner's Sons, 1895 $1
The rules which the author sets down in this volume are as they appeared to him in their order of natural succession, and are the result of many years experience.
Chic., Fleming- H. Revell Co., 1895 $1
This is a book that will be very helpful to the class of young men for whom it is intended ; Mr. Bok knows his audience and it is a large one.
N. Y., Thos. Y. Crowell & Co., 1897 60c
From one point of view the question which this title asks is well answered by this short paper which was read before some college women in Philadelphia.
Bost., Little, Brown & Co., 1898 $1
The aim of this book is to assist towards the removal of nervous irritants, which are not only the cause of much physical disease, but materially interfere with the best possibilities of usefulness and pleasure in every day life.
Bost., Little, Brown & Co., 1898 $1
The present volume is on the better use and the truer guidance of the body and its functions.
Chester, E.Chats with Girls. (Portia series,)
N. Y., Dodd, Mead & Co., 1891 $1.25
Has hints to dull as well as to clever girls, by one who evidently understands their needs and how to help them.
Bost., Houghton, Mifflin & Co., 1891 75c
On health, education, self-support, charity, hospitality, emotional women, etc. Written with uncommon tact and good sense.
———The unmarried woman. (Portia series.)
N. Y., Dodd, Mead & Co., 1892 $1.25
The clever author views the "Unmarried Woman" from all points, illustrating her remarks with many references to current literature and fiction.
Bost., D. Lothrop, 1892 75c
The purpose of this book is to help young- women to attain a nobler womanhood. It will appeal to all girls who are desirous of true development.
Bost., D. Lothrop, 1884 60c
A book on morals, manners and business occupations, is one of the needs of the times. This books aims to impart instruction along these lines.
N. Y., Harper & Bros., 1887 90c
Ten short papers full of good advice, tender admonition and amusing episodes.
N. Y., Thos. Crowell & Co., 1891 $1.25
Chapters full of womanly feeling and common sense.
N. Y., Thos. Crowell & Co., 1895 $1
The author dwells especially upon the duties of society towards young men on the threshold of life.
N. Y., Armstrong & Son, 1890 $1.25
It was the aim of these discourses to lay hold of young men before they were caught in the moral vortex of our cities in which so many of our choicest youths are disappearing.
Chic., S. C. Griggs & Co., 1893 $1
Reinforces in a practical, unambitious way some of the noblest teachings of the church concerning the spiritual world.
N. Y., Funk & Wagnalls Co., 1887 50c
Written to those girls who have not time or inclination to think and study about the many important things which make up life and living.
N. Y., Thos. Crowell & Co., 1895 35c
This pamphlet is prepared with the purpose of showing what our Christianity has to do with the familiar practices of business.
Bost., Crowell & Co., 1897 $1
Will surely have a wide and beneficent influence.
Bost., G. H. Ellis, 1896 $1
An essay on the conduct and meaning of life.
Bost., Geo. H. Ellis, 1895 $1.50
The present volume is the outgrowth of more than half a century of inquiry and is made up of lectures delivered in Boston.
Bost., Houghton, Mifflin & Co., 1894 $1.25
Charming- reflections and discourses on life and manners.
Bost., Ginn & Co., 1894 50c
Chapters on ethics as a way of life.
N. Y., Funk & Wagnalls, 1891 $1.25
A searching study of the best phase of the " woman question.
Chic., Hubert Stone & Co., 1897 $1
In this book Mr. Fletcher develops further the idea of menti-culture and urges with energy and directness his plea for the avoidance of worry.
Chic, McClurg & Co., 1897 $1
" You nervous people who want to carry the whole world, you restless folk who are constantly quarreling- with fate and fortune, read 'Menti-culture,' and ponder on its truths."
Bost., Houghton, Mifflin & Co., 1891 $1.50
The book aims to thoroughly instruct children and youth in the purest principles of morality.
Bost., Houghton, Mifflin & Co., 1886 $1.25
Moral aspects of social questions.
Bost., Houghton, Mifflin & Co., 1886 $1.25
Not only is it needful to interpret the thought of past ages to the men of the present day, it seems also necessary to interpret the present to itself. Some of these ideas are here defined.
Gladstone, W. E.The might of right. (Spare minute series.)
N. Y., D. Lothrop, 1880 $1
These extracts are a good biography of Mr. Gladstone, for they reveal him in something better than his political greatness, the loftiness of his moral sentiment
Bost., Roberts Bros., 1893 $1.25
A list of the subjects treated in this volume will sufficiently indicate its scope: The leaders lead; specialties; mind's maximum; theological seminary, etc.
N. Y., G. P. Putnam's Sons, 1895 $1
The didactic form of the work has permitted the author to give the facts which he has collected with great condensation and directness.
N. Y., Scribner's Sons, 1891 $1.25
A discussion of some of the more important phases of the conduct of life enlivened by many anecdotes and happy quotations.
N. Y., Scribner's Sons, 1888 $1.25
A gracefully written and helpful series of essays for maiden, wife or mother.
N. Y., Scribner's Sons, 1893 $1.25
A book of good thoughts and apt quotations on chums, health, reading, active and passive courage, right and wrong ambitions, etc.
N. Y., Revell & Co., 1896 $1.25
Studies in self-culture and character.
N. Y., Revell & Co., 1898 $1.25
The great and far-reaching force of personal influence or individual character is brought out in this series of essays.
N. Y., Scribner's Sons, 1892 $1.25
Author shows that happiness is a legitimate object of life, using for his text the popular proverbs of the day.
N. Y., Scribner's Sons, 1891 $1.25
Treats in a familiar and attractive way of a few of the most prominent questions which concern the life of every thoughtful man and woman.
N. Y., Scribner's Sons, 1894 $1.25
An inspiring book full of earnestness, hopefulness and high purposes.
N. Y., Scribner's Sons, 1890 $1.75
Dr. Hopkins is striving to construct a theory of his own, and he defends it with able arguments and acute distributions.
N. Y., Dodd, Mead & Co., 1897 50c
Contents : Admiration of success ; of success which is failure ; of failure which is success, etc.
Bost., Roberts Bros., 1895 $1
A book full of wise and useful suggestions.
N. Y., Cassell Pub. Co., 1892 $1.50
This well known and eloquent preacher defines the physical, social, intellectual, moral, jesthetic and spiritual side of man.
The author says he has tried to write — "That the reader may find himself hugged up close to the great, warm heart of the master builders of the past, and be by that embrace aroused to work mightily and build grandly for himself."
N. Y., Houghton, Mifflin & Co., 1895 $1.50
A book designed to inspire youth to character building, self-culture and noble achievements.
Bost., Houghton, Mifflin & Co., 1894 $1.50
No other book in the English language contains such a variety and multitude of fresh, living truths, so full of interest to all classes of readers.
Bost., W. A. Wilde & Co., 1897 $1.25
The author has tried to fill the book with suggestive material, with fresh living truths ; to make it a storehouse of incentives, a treasury of precious sayings.
N. Y., Crowell & Co., 1898 $1.50
The object of this volume is to hold up to youth and those of all ages, ideals of noble character, to illustrate the qualities essential to lofty achievement.
Chic,, S. C. Griggs & Co., 1876 $2
Essays on success and failure, physical culture, self-reliance, economy of time, money, overwork, etc.
Chic., McClurg & Co., 1895 75c
Shows great familiarity with the subjects discussed and remarkable power of clear and condensed statement.
N. Y., Crowell & Co., 1897 75c
Practical papers, the first of which gives name to the volume.
N. Y., Crowell & Co., 1891 $1
These chapters are written with the purpose of stimulating those who may read them to earnest and worthy living.
N. Y., Crowell & Co., 1894 35c
Short, practical and interesting.
N. Y., Crowell & Co., 1894 $1
Author's object is to give helpful suggestions toward the attaining of the things in life which are more excellent.
N. Y., Crowell & Co., 1896 $1
These simple chapters will make a little clearer to some earnest readers the true meaning of life.
Bost., Roberts Bros., 1894 $1
A plain talk to young men and women.
N. Y., Thos. Whittaker, 1897 50c
A volume that we would earnestly recommend to all readers.
N. Y., Houghton, Mifflin & Co., 1891 $1
Author's purpose is to guide and stimulate young men along the lines of true living and noble manhood.
N. Y., W. B. Ketcham, 1897 50c
Some substantial truths most clearly and pleasantly stated.
Bost., Philosophical Publishing Co., 1897 $1.50
The author has shown the reader how we may open our eyes to the possibilities of the present.
Bost., G. H. Ellis, 1898 $1.25
These essays are full of aspiration and encouragement for world-weary minds.
N. Y., Putnam's Sons, 1880 $1.25
It is a good book for a thoughtful girl, and we hope many such may get hold of it.
Chic., McClurg & Co., 1888 $1
It covers more ground in small space than most others, and makes its points with rare force.
N. Y., Century Co., 1897 $1
These pages contain most profitable reading for thoughtful young men.
N. Y., Century Co., 1897 $1
Though a man among men, the famous New York preacher can address himself as effectively to an audience of women as to a mass meeting- of citizens.
N. Y., Putnam's Sons, 1889 75c
Maintains that business can be successfully conducted without humbug or cheating if men are properly trained for it, and are competent, industrious and thrifty.
N. Y., E. P. Button & Co., 1897 $1
There is no better tonic than this book.
Bost., D. Lothrop & Co., 1891 $1
Advice to young girls, how they can better their mental, moral and physical conditions.
N. Y., Harper & Bros., 1887 $1
A series of helpful and interesting essays.
N. Y., Harper & Bros, 1881 $1
The pages of this book contain numerous examples of the best and bravest men and women in the career of well-doing
N. Y., Harper & Bros., n. d. $1.25
An interesting and instructive book on industry, perseverance and self-culture.
N. Y., Harper & Bros, n. d. $1.25
The object of this book is to induce men to employ their means for worthy purposes and not to waste them upon selfish indulgence.
Chic., McClurg & Co., 1886 75c
Author has a high sense of the dignity and importance of home life, and takes a refreshingly feminine view of woman's sphere and woman's work.
Chic., McClurg & Co., 1888 75c
A series of papers on : The ideal family ; The young wife as house-keeper ; The young wife as home-keeper; The mother at home ; Mother-in-law, etc.
Chic., McClurg & Co., 1889 $1
The author brings from the inner and outer worlds a few reminders of great duties and great rewards.
N. Y., Nelson & Sons, 1896 $1.50
One hundred and seven short talks about unconscious tuition, making and unmaking temper, etc.
N. Y., Baker & Taylor Co., 1894 $1
Prof. Thwing states some problems concerning her, considers the proportion of her studies, environments, health methods in her education and her career after graduation.
Bost., G. H. Ellis, 1896 $1.25
A volume on the vital law of true life, true greatness, power and happiness.
N. Y., Revell & Co., 1894 50c
" And stand four-square to all the winds that blow."
N. Y., Dodd, Mead & Co., 1894 $1.25
A most helpful book for the youth of the present generation.
N. Y., Dodd, Mead & Co., 1893 $1.25
Author's hopefulness and impassioned moral sense make his words stirring and effective. He urges the young to hold fast to ideals and aspirations.
N. Y., Macmillan Co., 1900 $1
To aid in starting the farm boy on the right track and to make his pathway plainer and easier is the object of this book.
N. Y., A. D. F. Randolph & Co., 1892 $1
Taking for a text the most wonderful housekeeper on record, this book, would fain help other women to be as wise, as useful, as blessed as she.
Bost., Houghton, Mifflin & Co., 1896 $1.25
The subjects contained in this volume are: My girlhood friend; The world of books ; Books of our girlhood ; Outlook of literature, etc.
Bost., Lee, Shepard & Co., 1890 $1
N. Y., Funk & Wagnails Co., 1895 $1
A book for girls, the key to the purpose of which is given in the title.
N. Y., Doubleday, McClure Co., 1898 $1
The author has written for the average boy, who distrusts himself, and who needs to be shown that the race is not always to the swift.