Category:1951 deaths
Pages in category "1951 deaths"
The following 200 pages are in this category, out of 244 total.
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- Author:Mary MacLeod Banks
- Author:Robert Hayward Barlow
- Author:Albert Coombs Barnes
- Author:Daisy May Bates
- Author:Alice Dow Engley Beek
- Author:Vojta Beneš
- Author:James Franklin Bethune-Baker
- Author:Harold Harrington Betts
- Author:Ernest Bevin
- Author:Christian van den Biesen
- Author:Edwin Björkman
- Author:Robert James Blackham
- Author:Algernon Blackwood
- Author:Thomas Blamey
- Author:Reynold Edward Pearce Blight
- Author:Robert James Edmund Boggis
- Author:Frederic Drew Bond
- Author:Ivanoe Bonomi
- Author:Stephen Bonsal
- Author:Jaromír Borecký
- Author:Neith Boyce
- Author:Lilian Brandt
- Author:Louis René Bréhier
- Author:Herbert Francis Brett Brett-Smith
- Author:Roswell Sessoms Britton
- Author:Carl Brockhausen
- Author:Henry James Bruce
- Author:James Bennett Brunyate
- Author:Emma Sophia Buchheim
- Author:Arthur Bulleid
- Author:Frank Gelett Burgess
- Author:Robert Gregg Bury
- Author:Harold Beresford Butler
- Author:Harold Edgeworth Butler
- Author:Abraham Cahan
- Author:Andrew Caldecott
- Author:Achille Camerlynck
- Author:Sydney John Chapman
- Author:Émile-Auguste Chartier
- Author:Arthur Grosvenor Chater
- Author:Ernest Francis Coe
- Author:Geoffrey Montague Cookson
- Author:Julia May Courtney
- Author:Joseph Vincent Crowne
- Author:Arnošt Czech z Czechenherzu
- Author:Henry Alexander Russell Farquhar
- Author:Albert Bernhardt Faust
- Author:Herbert Granville Fell
- Author:Edmund Horace Fellowes
- Author:Allan Hitchen Ferguson
- Author:Robert Joseph Flaherty
- Author:Harriette Merrifield Forbes
- Author:Richard Clyde Ford
- Author:George Seymour Fort
- Author:William Foster
- Author:William Storrs Fox
- Author:Henry Hamilton Fyfe
- Author:Porter Garnett
- Author:Eleanor Gates
- Author:Christian Frederick Gauss
- Author:François Georges-Picot
- Author:James Watson Gerard
- Author:André Gide
- Author:Francis Henry Giles
- Author:Elizabeth Meriwether Gilmer
- Author:Otto Charles Glaser
- Author:Robert Arthur Graef
- Author:George Gorham Groat
- Author:Heinrich Günter
- Author:Martin Henry Haertel
- Author:Michael Joseph Hagerty
- Author:Thomas Harvey Haines
- Author:Henry Mendelssohn Hake
- Author:Emanuel Haldeman-Julius
- Author:James Norman Hall
- Author:Edgar Lloyd Hampton
- Author:Charlotte Harding
- Author:Harold Hargreaves
- Author:William Randolph Hearst
- Author:Ludwig Heck
- Author:Sadegh Hedayat
- Author:Ulysses Prentiss Hedrick
- Author:Percy Bell Hickling
- Author:Evelyn Granville Hogg
- Author:Hamilton Holt
- Author:Katharine Elizabeth Howard
- Author:Walter Hyde
- Author:Carl Otto Lampland
- Author:Max Matatyahu Laserson
- Author:Lewis Gaston Leary
- Author:Jennette Lee
- Author:Lela Angier Lenfest
- Author:George Granville Leveson-Gower
- Author:Charles Lee Lewis
- Author:Frederic Thomas Lewis
- Author:Sinclair Lewis
- Author:Joseph Christian Leyendecker
- Author:Maxim Maximovich Litvinov
- Author:Grevile Mairis Livett
- Author:Edwin George Lutz
- Author:Jerome Morley Lynch
- Author:Josef Mach
- Author:William Briggs MacHarg
- Author:Thomas Robert Edward MacInnes
- Author:Eric Robert Dalrymple Maclagan
- Author:William Russell Maltby
- Author:Harry Watson Martin
- Author:Charles Welsh Mason (1866-1951)
- Author:Frederick Barton Maurice
- Author:Lewis Ankeny McArthur
- Author:Sydney Temple Leopold McLaglen
- Author:Annie Nathan Meyer
- Author:Oscar Devereaux Micheaux
- Author:George Abram Miller
- Author:Herbert Adolphus Miller
- Author:Ray Morris
- Author:Abraham Cressy Morrison
- Author:Max Morse
- Author:Millicent Murby
- Author:Alice Effie Murray
- Author:Hilda Mary Ruthven Murray
- Author:Camille Mélinand
- Author:Lucy Allen Paton
- Author:John William Ernest Pearce
- Author:Robert Alexander Peddie
- Author:Hubert William Peet
- Author:Hilary Douglas Clerk Pepler
- Author:John Victor Thomas Woolrych Tait Perowne
- Author:Charles Dillon Perrine
- Author:Henry Albert Phillips
- Author:Charles Lane Poor
- Author:George Henry Powell
- Author:Patrick Power
- Author:Paula von Preradović
- Author:Edgar Prestage
- Author:Norman Mills Price
- Author:Albert van de Put
- Author:Herbert Edward Salter
- Author:Anne Putnam Sanford
- Author:Alice Sargent Johnson
- Author:George Michael Julius Louis Sauvage
- Author:Arnold Schoenberg
- Author:Robert Weir Schultz
- Author:Lewis Amherst Selby-Bigge
- Author:Robert William Seton-Watson
- Author:Melvin Linwood Severy
- Author:Katsura Shimizu
- Author:Albert Forbes Sieveking
- Author:John French Sloan
- Author:Henry Casimir Smart
- Author:Gilbert Rhodes Smartt
- Author:Alyssa Whitall Pearsall Smith
- Author:Pamela Colman Smith