Chaucer's Works (ed. Skeat) Vol. VI/Authors

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1519031Chaucer's Works (ed. Skeat) Vol. VI — Authors Referenced by ChaucerGeoffrey Chaucer


The following is a list of the principal quotations and references made by Chaucer. Several of them were certainly made at second-hand, or were stock quotations common in note-books. The references are to the volume and page, where each passage is (usually) duly quoted or pointed out in the Notes. Thus the reference to Genesis i. 27 is pointed out in vol. v. p. 389, in the note to F 880.

Authors merely named, or referred to at second-hand, are marked with an asterisk.


Gen. i. 27; v. 389.
— i. 28; v. 292.
— ii. 18; v. 355.
— iii. 18; i. 456.
— ix. 18; v. 468.
— ix. 26; v. 469.
— xxxix. 8; v. 471.
Exod. iii. 2; i. 455.
— xx. 3; v. 468.
— xx. 7; v. 463.
— xx. 14; v. 470.
— xxxiv. 28; v. 335.
Levit. x. 9; v. 335.
— xix. 32: v. 288.
Deut. xxxii. 24; v. 451.
Judges, iv; v. 80.
— xiii-xvi; v. 229.
— xix. 22; v. 471.
1 Sam. ii. 12; v. 471.
— ii. 30; v. 451.
2 Sam. xi. 25; v. 221.
— xvii.; i. 491; (verse 1), v. 466.
1 Kings, xi. 12; v. 368.
— xix. 8; v. 335.
Job, i. 21; v. 204.
— vii. 9; v. 452.
— x. 20; v. 451.
— xx. 25; v. 451.
— xxi. 12; v. 165.
— xxxiii. 26; v. 449-450.
— xlii. 6; v. 450.
Ps. i. 1; v. 210.
— iv. 5; v. 462.
— viii. 1; v. 174.
— x. 5 (Vulgate); v. 451.
— x. 9; v. 330.
— xx. 4 (xxi. 3); v. 223.
— xxxii. 5; v. 453.
— xxxiv. 14; v. 222.
— xxxvii. 16; v. 221.
— xlv. (xliv.); v. 336.
— lv. 15; v. 460.
— lxxiii. 5; v. 467.
— xcvii. 10; v. 453.
— cvii. 34; v. 452.
— cxix. 113; v. 449.
— cxxvii. i; v. 213.
— cxlv. 9; v. 463.
Prov. i. 28; v. 450.
— vi. 17; v. 443.
— viii. 17; v. 467.
— x. 19; v. 443.
— xi. 7; v. 452.
— xi. 14; v. 209.
— xi. 22; v. 313, 450.
— xiii. 11; v. 220.

— xiv. 13; ii. 490, v. 154.
— xiv. 20; v. 143.
— xiv. 29; v. 218.
— xv. 4; v. 466.
— xv. 15; v. 143.
— xv. 16; v. 221.
— xv. 18; v. 218.
— xvi. 6; v. 449.
— xvi. 7; v. 222.
— xvi. 8; v. 221.
— xvi. 24; v. 208.
— xvi. 32; v. 218.
— xvii. 1; v. 466.
— xvii. 14; v. 205.
— xvii. 17; i. 440.
— xvii. 32; v. 203.
— xix. 11; v. 218.
— xix. 14; v. 355.
— xix. 19; v. 218.
— xx. 1; v. 279, 280.
— xx. 3; v. 218.
— xx. 4; v. 220, 466.
— xxi. 9; v. 207, 312.
— xxi. 23; v. 442.
— xxii. 1; v. 221.
— xxii. 24; v. 339.
— xxv. 10 (Vulgate); v. 221.
— xxv. 16; v. 216.
— xxv. 18; v. 463.
— xxv. 20; v. 203.
— xxv. 21; v. 463.
— xxvi. 17; v. 219.
— xxvii. 9; v. 209.
— xxvii. 15; v. 466.
— xxvii. 23; i. 445.
— xxviii. 13; v. 449.
— xxviii. 14; v. 213, 222.
— xxviii. 15; v. 463.
— xxviii. 19; v. 220.
— xxviii. 20; v. 220.
— xxviii. 23; v. 222, 465.
— xxix. 5; v. 210.
— xxix. 9; v. 466.
— xxxi. 1; v. 282.
— xxxi. 4; v. 210, 280.
Eccles. iii. 1; ii. 479, v. 342.
— iv. 10; ii. 465.
— v. 3; v. 466.
— v. 11; v. 221.
— vii. 3; v. 222.
— vii. 19 (18); v. 467.
— vii. 28; v. 206, 367.
— ix. 1 (Vulgate); v. 221.
— ix. 10; v. 466.
— x. 19; v. 219.
Solomon's Song, i. 15-iv. 16; v. 366.
Isaiah, i. 1; iii. 253.
— vi. 1; iii. 253.
— xi. 1; v. 453.
— xiv. 11; v. 451.
— xxiv. 9; v. 451.
— xxxviii. 15; v. 450, 473.
— liii. 5; v. 452.
— lxvi. 24; v. 452.
Jer. iv. 2; v. 463.
— vi. 16; v. 447.
— xlviii. 10; v. 466.
Ezek. xviii. 24; v. 452,
— xx. 43; v. 450.
Dan. i-iv; v. 234.
— v.; v. 234.
Micah, vii. 6; v. 451.
Zech. x. 5; v. 460.
— xiii. 1; i. 457.
Tobit, iv. 19; v. 208.
— vi. 17; v. 471.
Judith, v. 243.
Ecclus., quoted, v. 367-8.
— iii. 26; v. 222.
— iv. 30; v. 337.
— vi, 5; v. 223.
— vi. 6; v. 209.
— vi. 14, 15; v. 209.
— viii. 17; v. 209.
— xii. 10; v. 210, 257.
— xii. 13; v. 470.
— xiii. 1; v. 470.
— xiii. 24; v. 221.
— xviii. 26; v. 165.
— xix. 8; v. 208.
— xxii. 6; v. 205.
— xxii. 22; i. 440.
— xxiii. 11; v. 284.
— xxiii. 12; v. 463.
— xxv. 16; v. 312.
— xxv. 25; v. 308.
— xxv. 30 (Vulgate); v. 206.
— xxvi. 7; v. 470.
— xxx. 17; v. 220.
— xxx. 23; v. 203.
— xxxii. 6 (Vulgate); v. 247.
— xxxii. 19; v. 107, 358.
— xxxii. 24 (Vulgate); v. 204.
— xxxiii. 18; v. 223.
— xxxiii. 20; v. 206.
— xxxiii. 27; v. 220, 356.
— xxxvii. 29; v. 278.
— xl. 28; v. 143.
— xl. 29; v. 220.

Susannah (Dan. xiii.); v. 469.
1 Macc. i. 7; v. 244.
— iii. 18; v. 221.
2 Macc. ix.; v. 244.
Matt. i. 21; v. 452.
— iii. 8; v. 449.
— v. 3; v. 335.
— v. 5; v. 474.
— v. 9; v. 222, 466.
— v. 13; v. 340.
— v. 14; v. 473.
— v. 22; v. 465.
— v. 28; v. 470.
— v. 34; v. 463.
— v. 44; v. 462.
— vii. 3; v. 116.
— vii. 7; v. 467.
— vii. 20; v. 449.
— xi. 12; v. 467.
— xii. 34; v. 466.
— xv. 27; v. 404.
— xv. 28 (or viii. 10); iii. 333.
— xix. 5; v. 470.
— xix. 17; v. 207.
— xix. 21; i. 445.
— xxiii. 7; v. 340.
— xxiii. 14; i. 445.
— xxiii. 27; i. 478.
— xxvi. 7; v. 472.
— xxvi. 41; v. 474.
Mark, i. 7; v. 385.
— xvi. 9; v. 207.
Luke, i. 38; i. 455.
— vii. 39; v. 462.
— x. 7; v. 336.
— xv. 17, 24; v. 467.
— xxiii. 42; v. 467.
John, ii. 1; v. 292.
— viii. 3; v. 205.
— viii. ii; v. 471.
— viii. 32; i. 551.
— viii. 34; v. 450.
— xi. 35; v. 203.
— xii. 4; v. 462.
— xvi. 24; v. 467.
— xviii. 38; i. 558.
— xix. 19; v. 452.
Acts, iv. 12; v. 452, 463.
— xx. 33; i. 445.
Rom. v. 12; v. 453.
— vii. 24; v. 253.
— viii. 13; v. 474.
— xii. 15; v. 203.
— xii. 17; v. 212.
— xii. 19; v. 217.
— xiii. 4; v. 217.
— xiii. 12; v. 412.
— xiv. 10; v. 450.
— xv. 4; v. 475.
1 Cor. iii. 17; v. 471.
— iv. 5; v. 216.
— vi. 10; v. 465.
— vi. 13; v. 279.
— vii. 1, 6, 7; v. 294.
— vii. 4, 20; v. 295.
— vii. 9; i. 558; v. 293.
— vii. 25; v. 293.
— vii. 28; v. 293, 295.
— vii. 39; v. 293.
— x. 13; v. 330.
— xi. 3; v. 472.
2 Cor. i. 12; v. 221.
— iv. 17; v. 218.
— vi. 10; i. 446.
— xi. 14; v. 471.
— xi. 25; v. 453.
— xii. 2; iii. 264.
Gal. v. 17; v. 453, 461.
— v. 19; v. 471.
Eph. ii. 3; v. 453.
— iv. 28; i. 445.
— v. 4; v. 466.
— v. 5; v. 468.
— v. 18; v. 277, 470.
— v. 25; v. 295, 472.
— v. 25-31; v. 356.
— v. 32; v. 355.
Phil. ii. 10; v. 463.
— iii. 18; v. 279, 469.
Col. iii. 12; v. 473.
— iii. 18; v. 466.
1 Tim. i. 4, &c.; v. 445.
— ii. 9; v. 300.
— v. 6; v. 279.
— vi. 8; v. 335.
— vi. 10; v. 208, 223, 468.
2 Tim. ii. 20; v. 294.
— ii. 24; v. 466.
James, i. 4; v. 218.
— i. 5; v. 208.
— i. 14; v. 453.
— i. 22; v. 336.
— i. 23; i. 565.
— ii. 13; v. 224.
— ii. 17; v. 405.
1 Pet. ii. 21; v. 218.
— iii. 1; v. 472.
2 Pet. ii. 22; v. 450.
— iii. 9; v. 447.
1 John, i. 8; v. 453.

— iii. 15; v. 463.
Rev. ii. 5; v. 450.
— iii. 16; v. 466.
— iii. 20; v. 453.
— vi. 8; i. 449.
— vii. 1; v. 156.
— ix. 6; v. 452.
— xiv. 1; v. 294.
— xxi. 2; v. 446.
— xxi. 8; v. 470.


Acta Sanctorum,
(April 14); iii. 488, v. 401;
(Dec. 6), v. 177.
Fable of the Lion, Tiger, and Fox, v. 67;
of the Oak and Reed, ii. 463;
of the two Pots, i. 552.

  • Agatho, alluded to, iii. xxxii, xxxiii.

Alanus de Insulis (Alain de Lisle, A.D. 1114-1203),
Anticlaudianus, iii. 264;
Parabolae, iii. 250; v. 263, 428;
Planctus Naturae, i. 516-521 (cf. i. 73, 74).
Albertano of Brescia (about 1193-1270),
De Amore Dei, ii. 466; v. 355, 358;
De Arte Loquendi et Tacendi, v. 214, 442, 443;
Liber Consolationis, v. 201, 202, 356, (cf. iii. 426, 501).
Albricus (13th century),
De Deorum Imaginibus, v. 78, 82; cf. iii. 249 (ll. 130, 133).
Alchabitius (or Abd-el-Aziz, 10th century),
Judicial Astrology, i. 500, iii. 353.
Alexander, Romance of, iii. 262, v. 244.
Alexandreid; see Philippe.

  • Alhazen or Alhazel (11th century), v. 378.

Almansor, Propositiones, v. 306, 310.
Ambrose, St. (A.D. 340-397),
Sermo 25 (in Appendix), v. 448, (cf. 409).

  • Anselm, St. (A.D. 1033-1109),

Meditatio 2; v. 450.

  • Aristotle,

Physics, ii. 454;
On Parts of Animals, ii. 459;
Treatise on Perspective (attributed to him in Vincent of Beauvais, Spec. Hist. iii. 84), v. 378;
Secretum Secretorum (attributed to Aristotle), v. 433.
Arnoldus de Villa Nova (or Villanovanus, 13th century), v. 432.
Arthurian Romances, v. 314, 374;
and see Lancelot, Tristram.
Augustine, St. (Bp. of Hippo, A.D. 345-430),
De Civitate Dei, iii. 331; v. 462, 463, 468;
De Decem Chordis, v. 450;
De Natura et Gratia, v. 467;
De Opere Monachorum, i. 445;
De Vera Penitentia, v. 453;
Epistolae, v. 449;
In Psalmos, v. 263, 461, 466, 468;
Sermo 181, v. 473;
and see v. 221, 451.

  • Averroes, or Ebn Roschd (12th century), v. 41, 42.
  • Avicenna, or Ebn Sina (11th century), v. 41, 42, 289, 290.

Balade, Old French, imitated, iii. 298.

  • Basil St. (Bp. of Cæsarea, 329-379),

Homil. 50, v. 449;
Homil. in Psalm, xxviii. 7-v. 452.
Benoît (or Benoist) de Sainte-More (12th century),
Roman de Troie, ii. lxi, lxii, lxiv, lxxx.
Bernard, St. (of Clairvaux, 1091-1153),
Sermo 40, v. 449;
Sermo ad Prelatos, v. 450;
Tractatus ad Laudem Virginis, v. 404;
Vitis Mystica, v. 467;
and see v. 452.

  • Bernardus Gordonius (14th century), v. 41.

Bernardus Silvestris (12th century) Megacosmos, v. 147.
Bevis, Romance of Sir, v. 193.
Boccaccio (A.D. 1313-1375),
Amorosa Visione, i. 510; iii. 274, 275, 277;
De Casibus Virorum Illustrium, v. 228, 229, 234, 239, 242;
De Genealogia Deorum, iii. 345, 346;
De Mulieribus Claris, v. 235;
Decamerone, v. 343;
Filostrato (compared with Troilus), ii. 461, 467, 474, 484, 494;

Teseide (compared with the Knightes Tale), v. 60, 61;
Tes. i. 1, 2, 3—i. 529, 530;
Tes. ii. 10—i. 532;
Tes. ii. 12—i. 533;
Tes. vii. 51—i. 513;
Tes. xi. 1, 2, 3—ii. 504.
And see Tes. vii. 51-66, as printed in i. 68-73;
and De Gen. Deorum (ii. 22), in iii. xl; also ii. li.
De Consolatione Philosophiae (see vol. ii. pp. xxviii-xxxvii);
Book i: m. 1—ii. 448, v. 363; pr. 1—iii. 275; pr. 2—ii. 466; m. 3—ii. 471; m. 4—iii. 254; pr. 4—ii. 466; m. 5—v. 149, 160, 389, 478; pr. 5—i. 440, 550, 552:
Book ii: pr. 1—i. 543, ii. 466, v. 365; m. 1—i. 543; pr. 2—i. 545, 546, 552, ii. 487, v. 63, 226, 246, 295; pr. 3—i. 547, ii. 466; pr. 4—i. 544, 545, ii. 479, 482, v. 154; pr. 5—i. 551; m. 5—i. 539; m. 6—v. 242, 243; pr. 7—v. 320; pr. 8—i. 545, 546, v. 322; m. 8—i. 556, ii. 483, v. 93:
Book iii: pr. 2—v. 33, 68; m. 2—v. 365, 385, 440; pr. 3—i. 508; pr. 4—i. 554, v. 320; pr. 5—v. 234, 235, 360, 361; pr. 6—i. 553, v. 319; m. 6—v. 319; pr. 8—i. 489; m. 9—i. 522, iii. 341; pr. 10—v. 94; pr. 11—iii. 259; pr. 12—v. 57; m. 12—ii. 466, v. 67:
Book iv: m. 1—iii. 264, v. 149; pr. 4—i. 523; pr. 6—i. 547, ii. 469, 478, v. 94, 156, 327, 389; m. 7—v. 231:
Book v: pr. 1—i. 440; pr. 2—ii. 490, 491; pr. 3—ii. 490, 491; m. 4—i. 482, 483, v. 358; m. 5—i. 552;
De Musica, iii. 260, v. 256.
And see i. 78, 79; ii. i—xlviii, 1-151.
Bradwardine, Thomas (14th century),
De Causa Dei, v. 255.

  • Caecilius Balbus,

Sententiae, v. 218.

  • Cassiod orus (obiit A.D. 575),

Variarum lib. i. 4—v. 217, 221;
lib. i. 17—v. 215;
lib. i. 30—v. 218;
lib. ix. 13—v. 219;
lib. x. 18—v. 210.
Cato, Dionysius (4th century),
De Moribus, Distichorum lib. i. 2—v. 220;
lib. i. 3—v. 443;
lib. i. 12—v. 442, 443;
lib. i. 17—v. 420;
lib. i. 38—v. 388, 466;
lib. ii. 32—v. 252;
lib. iii. 6—v. 210;
lib. iii. 15—v. 211;
lib. iii. 22—v. 220;
lib. iii. 25—v. 356;
lib. iv. 14—v. 213;
lib. iv. 16—v. 220;
lib. iv. 39—v. 218.
Cato, Dionysius, supplement to, entitled Facetus, v. 98.

  • Catullus (as quoted by Boethius), ii. 437.

Charlemagne, Romances of, i. 491, v. 239, 255.

  • Chrysippus, v. 309.
  • Chrysostom, St. (A.D. 347—407), v. 212, 449.

Cicero, M. Tullius;
De Amicitia (xiii)—i. 439, iii. 352, v. 209;
De Divinatione (i. 27)—v. 253;
(ii. 60)—ii. 457;
De Officiis (i. 9)—v. 211;
(i. 21)—v. 215;
(i. 25)—v. 224;
(i. 26)—v. 210;
(ii. 5, 7)—v. 210, 215;
(ii. 15)—v. 221;
(iii. 5)—v. 220;
De Oratore (ii. 69)—v. 312;
De Senectute (vi. 17)—v. 209;
Disputationes Tusculanae (iii. 30)—v. 209;
Somnium Scipionis, i. 505, 506, 508, ii. 434.
And see i. 558.
Claudian (4th century),
De Raptu Proserpinae, v. 364, 367;
the same (i. 77)—v. 70;
the same (ii. 109)—i. 512;
In Sextum Consulatum Honorii Augusti Praefatio, i. 509.
Cf. iii. 252.
Coincy, Gautier de, iii. 422; v. 491.

  • Constantinus Afer (11th century), v. 41, 42, 362.
  • Corinnus, i. 531.

  • Damasus I (Pope, A.D. 304-384), v. 469.

Dante, Divina Commedia;
Inferno (i. 83)—i. 509;
(ii. 1)—i. 508;
(ii. 7)—iii. 254;
(ii. 122)—iii. 255;
(iii. 1)—i. 510;
(iii. 10)—iii. 249;
(iii. 19)—i. 511;
(iii. 55)—iii. 285;
(iii. 112)—ii. 486;
(v. 121)—ii. 429;
(xii. 22)—ii. 487;
(xiii. 64)—iii. 304;
(xiv)—iii. 253;
(xvi. 1)—iii. 279;
(xxxiii)—v. 241:
Purgatorio (i. 1)—ii. 468;

(i. 20)—v. 71;
(ii. 17)—iii. 253;
(vii. 121)—v. 319;
(ix. 28)—iii. 254;
(xii. 20)—i. 536;
(xviii. 28)—iii. 259;
(xix. 4)—vi. 402:
Paradiso (i. 1)—iii. 247;
(i. 13)—iii. 266;
(i. 20)—iii. 269;
(xiv. 28)—ii. 505;
(xxii. 19)—iii. 262;
(xxii. 128)—iii. 261;
(xxxiii. 1)—v. 403, 404;
(xxxiii. 14)—ii. 481;
(xxxiii. 16)—v. 175.
Cf. vol. i. p. 24; and vol. iii. pp. vii, viii.

  • Dares Phrygius, i. 489, 490, iii. 277, v. 254;

and see ii. lxi, lxii, lxiv.

  • Decretals, v. 212, 223;

Decretum Gratiani, v. 216.
Deguileville, G. de (died about 1360),
Pèlerinage de la Vie Humaine, i. 452; cf. i. 59, 60.
Deschamps, Eustace; Ballades, i. 563, 564;
and see i. lvii.

  • Dictys Cretensis, i. 490, iii. 277;

and see ii. lxi-lxiv.

  • Digesta,

(xlv. 1. 26)—v. 211;
(l. 17. 35)—v. 223;
(l. 17. 36)—v. 219.

  • Dioscorides (2nd century), v. 41.

  • Ebrardus Bituniensis, Græcismus, v. 208.

Epistola Valerii; see Map.

  • Eternal Gospel, the, i. 447, 448. (Alluded to in Rom. Rose, Fragment C.)

Euclid (book i. prop. 5 and prop. 47), ii. 480.

  • Euripides,

Andromache, ii. 439, 440.

Florus, L. Annaeus (2nd century),
Epitome de Gestís Romanorum, iii. 312, 313, 314;
and see iii. xxxvii.
French Song quoted, i. 544.
Le Dittié de la flour de la Margherite, ii. xxxi-ii;
(copies Chaucer), i. 462, 468.

  • Fulgentius,

Mythologiarum lib. i. 27-v. 355.

  • Galen, Claudius (2nd century), i. 477; v. 42.
  • Gatisden, John (of Oxford, 14th century), v. 41, 42.

Geoffrey of Monmouth (12th century), iii. 278.
Gesta Romanorum, i. 520, v. 312, 338, 361, 441.

  • Gilbertin, or Gilbertus Anglicus (13th century) v. 41.

Graunson, Oton de (died 1397),
Three Balades, i. 86, 87;
which are printed in full, i. 400-4.

  • Gregory, St., Pope, (554-604),

De Cura Pastorali, v. 455;
Homiliae in Evangelia, v. 458;
In Septem Psalmos, v. 448;
Moralia, v. 452, 456, 469, 470, 474.
Guido delle Colonne (13th century),
Historia Troiae (written in 1287),
i. 489, 490, 491;
ii. 462, 493, 499, 500, 503, 504;
iii. 278, 324-5, 328-330;
v. 2, 233;
and ii. liv-lxii.
Guillaume de Lorris (13th century), i. 16-18, 94-164.
See Roman.

  • Guiot de Provins (13th century),

Bible, i. 441. (Quoted in Fragment B of the Romaunt of the Rose).

  • Haly (11th century), v. 41, 42.

Hermes Trismegistus,
Aphorismi, v. 88, 306;
and see 432.

  • Herodotus, v. 312.
  • Hippocrates (died about 357 B.C.),

i. 477, 505; v. 42.

  • Homer,

Iliad (iii. 277)—ii. 455;
(xii. 17)—ii. 452;
(xxiv. 527)—ii. 428, v. 295.

  • Horace,

Epistolae (i. 6. 37)—v. 219;
(i. 10. 24)—v. 439;
(i. 18. 71)—v. 443;
Ars Poetica, ii. 468, 472, v. 439.
Fabulae, i. 464, iii. 333, 334.

Innocent III, Pope, (1161-1216),
De Contemptu Mundi, or De Miseria Conditionis Humanae, v. 141, 142, 154, 160, 161, 165, 207, 219, 220, 228.

  • Isidore, St., of Seville (570-636),

Etymologiae, v. 462;
Sententiae, v. 448.

Jacobus de Voragine, or Jacobus Januensis (end of 13th century),
Legenda Aurea, v. 254, 401;
and see iii. 486-8.
Jean de Meun (about 1250-1318),
Les Remonstrances de Nature, v. 42, 424;
Testament, v. 22, 203, 258;

Le Livre de Melibee, iii. 426, v. 201;
and see Roman de la Rose.
Jehan de Vignay (end of 13th century),
Translation of the Legenda Aurea, v. 401, 402.
Jerome, St. (345-420), v. 450, 451, 453, 466;
Treatise against Jovinian, i. 541, 545; iii. 299, 302; v. 278, 279, 292-6, 301, 303, 311, 312, 395-9, 439, 470-1.

  • Johannes Damascenus (9th century), iv. 41.

John of Salisbury (bp. of Chartres, 1110-1180),
Policraticus, (i. 5)—v. 282, 283;
(viii. 6)—i. 541, v. 279.

  • Josephus, Flavius (1st century), iii. 276.
  • Justinian,

Codex, i. 445, v. 215.

  • Juvenal,

Satire x, ii. 432, 486; v. 321. (Probably taken at second-hand.)

Lancelot de Lake, Romance of, v. 255 [l. 4402], 381 [l. 287].
Lapidaire (a French translation of Marbodus, De Gemmis),
iii. 274.
Legenda Aurea; see Jacobus de Voragine.

  • Livy,

Annales (i. 57)—iii. 330;
(iii)—v. 260. (Almost certainly quoted at second-hand; see iii. 330, 435.)

  • Lollius, ii. 464, 503; iii. 277, 278.

Lorens, Frère, or Laurentius Gallus (13th century),
La Somme des Vices et des Vertus (written A.D. 1279), v. 447;
and see iii. 502, v. xxviii.
Pharsalia (i. 128)—ii. 452;
(iii. 79)—v. 153;
(iv. 590)—ii. 454; cf. v. 245.

Machault, Guillaume de (14th century),
Dit du Lion, i. 486, v. 475;
Dit Du Vergier, i. 483;
La Fontaine Amoureuse, i. 467, 469, 483;
Remède de Fortune, i. 479, 482, 484-5, 488;
Roi de Behaigne, i. 494;
Roi de Navarre, iii. 254.
Also the Balade mentioned in i. 88, 565.
Macrobius (4th century),
Commentarius in Somnium Scipionis, i. 417, 498, 505-9; iii. 246.
Map, Walter (12th century),
Epistola Valerii ad Rufinum, iii. 302; v. 308, 309, 311, 312, 358.

  • Marbodus (or Marbœuf, 12th century),

De Gemmis or Lapidarius, iii. 274.
Martianus Capella (5th century),
De Nuptiis Philologiae et Mercurii, v. 360.

  • Martinus Dumiensis,

De Moribus, iv. 209, 218, 222, 223;
De Virtutibus Cardinalibus, v. 209;
Formula Honestae Vitae, v. 207.
Maximian (6th century),
Elegia 1—v. 287, 288.

  • Ménagier de Paris (alluded to), v. 201.

Messahala (8th century),
Compositio et Operatio Astrolabii, iii. lxx.

Nigellus Wireker (12th century),
Burnellus (or Speculum Stultorum), v. 256.

Octovian, Romance of, i. 473.

  • Origen,

Homily on Mary Magdalen (a spurious piece), iii. 308.
Ars Amatoria (i. 229, 243)—v. 262;
(i. 163)—ii. 471;
(i. 515)—i. 432;
(i. 595)—i. 432;
(i. 729)—i. 433;
(ii. 107)—ii. 469;
(ii. 251)—i. 433;
(ii. 357)—i. 433;
(iii. 62)—v. 134;
Amores (i. 8. 104)—v. 216;
(ii. 4. 10)—ii. 487;
Epistolae ex Ponto, (ii. 9. 11)—i. 434;
(iv. 10. 5)—v. 389;
Fasti (i)—ii. 454;
(i. 415)—i. 513;
(ii. 153)—v. 83;
(ii. 721)—iii. 330, 331, 332, 333;
Heroides, v. 137;
(Her. i. 12)—ii. 494;
(ii.)—iii. 251, 252, 345;
(iii. 1)—iii. 252;
(iii. 3)—ii. 472;
(v)—ii. 465;
(vi)—iii. 328;
(vi. 50)—iii. 326;
(vii)—iii. 251, 324;
(ix)—ii. 454, iii. 252, v. 233;
(x)—iii. 252, 339;
(xii)—iii. 252, 330;
(xiv)—iii. 346;
(xvi. 288)—v. 298;
Metamorphoses (i. 138)—i. 541;
(i. 438)—v. 439;
(i. 450)—v. 83;
(i. 468)—513;
(i. 566)—ii. 477;
(ii. 32)—iii. 263;
(ii. 34)—ii. 497;
(i. 846)—v. 73;
(ii. 858)—iii. 294;

(ii. 534)—v. 439;
(ii. 708)—ii. 479;
(iii. 138)—v. 83;
(iii. 155)—v. 90;
(iv)—1. 496;
(iv. 55)—iii. 314, v. 365;
(iv. 170)—i. 66;
(iv. 416)—ii. 493;
(vi. 311)—ii. 465;
(vi. 424)—iii. 340;
(vii. 456)—iii. 334;
(viii. 6)—iii. 334;
(viii. 271)—ii. 501;
(ix)—ii. 454;
(x)—i. 477;
(x. 100)—i. 512;
(x. 247)—v. 260;
(x. 298)—ii. 491;
(x. 560)—v. 83;
(xi)—i. 464;
(xi. 174)—v. 317;
(xi. 410)—i. 464;
(xi. 592)—iii. 247;
(xi. 640)—i. 468;
(xii. 39)—iii. 258, 259, 261;
(xii. 43)—iii. 266;
(xii. 44)—iii. 285;
(xii. 49)—iii. 266;
(xii. 53)—iii. 279;
(xii. 54)—iii. 286;
Remedia Amoris (127)—v. 202, 368;
(421)—v. 214;
(462)—ii. 488; and see i. 477;
Tristia (i. 9. 5)—v. 219.
See also vol. iii. pp. xxxvii-xl; and the passage (from Met. xii. 39-63) printed in vol. iii. pp. ix, x.

Pamphilus Maurilianus (13th century),
Liber de Amore, v. 219, 391.
Percival, Romance of Sir, v. 200.
Prologue to Satires, v. 387.
Peter Comestor (12th century),
Historia Evangelica, being part of his Historia Scholastica, v. 278.
Petrarch, Francis,
De Obedientia ac Fide Uxoris, v. 343;
Sonnet 88—ii. 464.

  • Petrus Alfonsi, or Petrus Alphonsus (12th century),

Disciplina Clericalis, v. 205-6, 209-11, 213, 219.
Petrus de Riga (12th century),
Aurora, i. 492.
Philippe Gautier de Chatillon, or Gualtier de Lille (12th century),
Alexandreid, v. 304.
Physiologus (by Theobald or Thetbald), v. 256.

  • Plato referred to, v. 57;

De Legibus, ii. 451;
Gorgias, ii. 448;
Phaedo, ii. 443:
Republic, ii. 423, 424, 448;
Sophistes, ii. 444;
Timaeus, ii. 441, 444.
Ptolemy, Claudius (2nd century),
Syntaxis Megale, or Almagest, ii. 434; iii. 354-6; v. 97, 148-9, 296;
Tetrabiblos, iii. 234.

  • Publilius Syrus (died B. C. 44),

Sententiae, v. 205, 206, 208, 210, 211, 213, 214, 215, 217, 218, 223, 224.

  • Pythagoras (mentioned in the Rom. of the Rose, Fragment B), i. 440.

  • Quintus Curtius (1st century),

Life of Alexander, v. 244.

Renard, Roman de, v. 123.

  • Rhasis (10th century), v. 41, 42.

Roman de la Rose (by Guillaume de Lorris, and Jean de Meun, 13th century),
i. 470-2, 474-5, 447-486, 489, 490, 492, 509-11, 537, 539-46, 548, 553-5;
ii. 465-6, 469-71, 473, 483, 488, 497;
iii. 246, 248, 250, 252, 268, 274, 281, 289, 294, 296, 298, 303;
v. 16, 17, 39, 42, 44, 57, 62, 67, 73, 78, 79, 86, 87, 94, 160, 242, 246-7, 256-7, 261-4, 274, 295-7, 299, 300, 302, 304, 305, 307, 320, 337, 355, 358, 360, 363-4, 378, 388, 401, 440;
and see i. 16; ii. lxv.

  • Rufus of Ephesus (2nd century), v. 41.

  • St. Amour, William de (alluded to in the Romaunt of the Rose, Fragment C), i. 446.

Salisbury; see John.

  • Sallust, v. 222.

Secretum Secretorum (said to be from Aristotle), v. 433.
See Aristotle.
Seneca (died A. D. 65),
De Beneficiis, v. 38, 206, 358;
De Clementia, v. 215, 224, 461;
De Ira, v. 218, 338;
Epistolae (1), v. 135;
(2), v. 320;
(47), v. 468;
(63), v. 203;
(74), v. 203;
(83), v. 278;
(94), v. 222;
(111), v. 214.

  • Seneca, M. Annaeus (about B. C. to A. D. 32),

Controversiae, v. 206.
Senior Zadith filius Hamuelis,
Tabula Chemica, v. 433.

  • Serapion (11th century), v. 41, 42.

Simeon Metaphrastes (10th century),
Vitae Sanctorum, iii. 486-8.
Statius, P. Papinius (1st century),
Thebaid, ii. 468;
argument of, ii. 501;
(Theb. ii. 265)—1. 504;
(vi. 98)—v. 92;
(vi. 110)—v. 93;
(vi. 722)—v. 84;
(vii. 40)—i. 530, v. 81;
(vii. 47, 48)—v. 79;
(vii. 58)—v. 82;
(viii. 632), v. 87;
(viii. 637)—v. 91;
(xi. 483)—i. 459;
(xii. 482)—v. 63;
(xii. 519)—i. 531, v. 61;
(xii. 545)—v. 63;
(xii. 650)—v. 62, 64;
(xii. 816)—ii. 503.
See also i. 62.
Suetonius Tranquillus (2nd century),
Life of Nero, v. 242, 244, 245.

  • Tertullian, v. 309.
  • Theophrastus, pupil of Aristotle (died B. C. 287),

Liber Aureolus de Nuptiis, preserved in Jerome's treatise against Jovinian, v. 296, 298-9, 308, 439.
Tristram and Ysoude, Romance of, i. 515, 550, iii. 282, 299.
Trivet, Nicholas, Anglo-Norman Chronicle (A. D. 1334),
iii. 409, v. 154, 158, 162, 164-5.

  • Trotula, v. 308, 309.

Tullius, i. 558;
see Cicero.

Valerii Epistola ad Rufinum; see Map.
Valerius Flaccus,
Argonauticon lib. iv—ii. 495, iii. 326.
Valerius Maximus (1st century),
De Factis Dictisque Memorabilibus (i. 7)—v. 253;
(iii. 4)—v. 320;
(vi. 3)—v. 301, 307.
Venantius Fortunatus (6th century), v. 155.
*Eclogues (iii. 95)—v. 337;
Æneid i, iii. 249, 250;
Æn. i—iv, iii. 317-24;
(Æn. i. 85)—iii. 344;
(ii)—iii. 250-1;
(ii. 333)—v. 257;
(iv)—iii. 250-1;
(iv-xii)—iii. 252;
(v. 6)—v. 337;
(v. 823)—iii. 344;
(vi. 743)—ii. 498;
(x. 284)—ii. 488.
Vincent of Beauvais (13th century),
Speculum Naturale, i. 545, v. 2;
Speculum Historiale, i. 303, v. 255, 321.
Vinsauf, Geoffrey de (late 12th century),
Nova Poetria, v. 257.

  • Vitello, or Vitellio (13th century), v. 378. (Probably quoted at second-hand.)

Viterbo, Godfrey of (12th century),
Speculum Regum, iii. xxxix (note 2), lvi.

William d'Amiens (13th century),
Roundel, i. 548.

Liber Electionum, v. 151.

  • Zeuxis, ii. 487; v. 261.